CategoriesActionObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

If You Do The Same, You Get The Same

Think of the next 12 months ahead. How closely will it resemble the last 12 months? Will you eat similar foods, sleep at similar times, work about the same hours on very similar type things? I will guess that you’ll also celebrate the same birthdays, holidays and special moments.

If everything you do is the same, how can you expect life to be or feel differently? You really need to make some small changes or shifts in what you do. Then increase the frequency and/or intensity of these changes so you begin to get demonstrably different results.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsWeightWeight loss

Wanting A Result And Getting A Result Are Different

You can want to quit smoking, stop drinking, lose weight, eat healthy, be slim, get straight A’s, and make millions. But wanting isn’t doing. And without doing the hard work, with discipline and sacrifice, you are very unlikely to get the results you want. Stop wanting it so badly. Start doing it so badly. As if your life depended on it. Commit! No more reasons, excuses or alibis. Learning this lesson well will let you change your life.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Make The Effort

If you don’t make the effort, you would be silly to think you’ll get the results you want.

Whether you’re trying to bulk up or slim down, make more money or improve your relationship, you have to do the work.

Yea, that may be annoying, boring or frustrating. Too bad. No effort, no result. You’ve got to do your own push-ups.

Be the person that gets results rather than gives reasons. Make the effort. Daily.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts

Never Miss A Day

So you really want to change your life. Well today will be the day that turns your whole life around. Today you will decide, commit and never miss a day.

That’s the secret to success.

You can make it more complicated. Sure there are many, many other factors you could consider. You could note the leader of the day isn’t your cup of tea. A person could cite transnational agreements and changes in the local laws.

However, it comes down to reasons or results.

Which one will you focus on? I suggest you spend your time planting seeds and taking care of them every day. Do everything the successful growers of those seeds say to do. You can listen to people with opinions and no results, if you wish. But don’t be surprised if you get similar results.

Maybe you want to run faster, lose weight, inhale only air, start a business, get a promotion or change jobs. If so, you need to decide and commit to it. You need to plan out the days, weeks and months ahead. Have a vision and a plan. Then take action and the results will appear.

Then you will need to execute and never miss a day!

207 daily blog posts in a row and I have not missed a day yet. Share this post with someone who is committed, likes thinking or is making changes in their life.

CategoriesObserveProgressThink About It

The Half Year Highlights

We need to keep track of our wins and celebrate them. So get out your journal, or any piece of paper, and your pen. The half year highlights need to be listed out.

We are in the midst of Q2 earnings season. This is when companies reveal how they did in the second quarter of the year (April, May, June). Granted, this year has been a little different so far. But the announcements coming out are making interesting reading, especially when comparing to Q1 2020 or Q2 in 2019.

Every quarter, corporations note down their key accomplishments and share them. You should also get into this habit. Though you do not have to share them. However, you should be honest with yourself. It is easy to make excuses, develop reasons and blame circumstances. There is no need to do that. You are better than that.

So if you have your monthly goals list, you can compare against that. If for some reason you did not set out your goals in late 2019, you can simply note down your highlights to date.

Be clear and specific. For example, I can note that I have written this daily blog every day since I started on 10th January (on target). In addition, I have had readers from 50 different countries (well above target). Finally, the family has successfully come through this initial Covid period (on target).

The half year highlights should also be celebrated ?. Presumably you have worked hard and been disciplined to achieve these milestones and make progress on your goals. Even if you weren’t quite on target, you will have sacrificed time and effort to get your results. Celebrate them and work harder and smarter in the next quarter.

Good luck!

CategoriesActionProgressWeight loss

The Formula To Make It Happen

I was struck by a post on LinkedIn about how our focus can bring different results. In essence, it was the formula to make it happen, using the topic of weight loss.

It resonated with me as it is in line with one of my chief beliefs about how we can achieve anything. Although humans are quite good at having ideas and starting projects, the difficult bit is usually in the follow through and results.

After all, “Results are the name of the game”, as Jim Rohn would say. However, results can be tricky to get if you are not aware of the pitfalls and distractions.

If you can keep the following key ideas at the top your mind, you are far more likely to achieve anything you need in your life:

  1. Restart at ‘failure’. Don’t wait for Monday to start again if you fall off track. Every minute of every day is a new opportunity to restart. If you ate too many calories at lunch, then eat far fewer at dinner. If you didn’t make enough sales calls in the morning, make more in the afternoon.
  2. Focus on the one essential thing. Keep it simple. Figure out what the one essential thing is for you, like calorie intake, and stay focused on it.
  3. Track/measure. Count the calories and weigh in daily.
  4. Try more than one thing at a time. Eat less and exercise.
  5. Reassess by facing harsh reality. Re-check your focus, measurements and concurrent efforts on a daily basis.

That is the formula to make it happen, regardless of whatever your ‘it’ is. Yes, it takes some effort. Yes, you have to do your own pushups. Yes, you have to want it bad enough.

I know you can do it, though. Attack the day and do whatever it takes.
