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If You Do The Same, You Get The Same

Think of the next 12 months ahead. How closely will it resemble the last 12 months? Will you eat similar foods, sleep at similar times, work about the same hours on very similar type things? I will guess that you’ll also celebrate the same birthdays, holidays and special moments.

If everything you do is the same, how can you expect life to be or feel differently? You really need to make some small changes or shifts in what you do. Then increase the frequency and/or intensity of these changes so you begin to get demonstrably different results.

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You Want To Be Different, But Treated The Same

This is a big challenge for a lot of people. We all want to feel unique in some way. It’s nice to think we are unique among 8 billion people. Maybe it’s your physical look, an attitude, the way we dress or the thoughts we think.

The challenge comes when we want to be recognised or celebrated for our diverse or different ways but don’t want anyone to point it out and treat us differently.

You might display and highlight your culture and its uniqueness But then you might want to be accepted by others and treated the same, even if some aspects of your culture are in conflict.

Put the shoe on the other foot. Recognise that different is different and that’s good. But don’t expect people to treat different the same way.