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In Search Of Better

I find myself thinking this way quite often. I tend to think of what could be better or how I could make something better. Has this always been my way? I am not sure. But I think it has, at least for somethings.

At school I wanted to get better grades, so I worked at that. In sports I strived to be better than I was, either in skill, stamina or execution. So I trained more, paid closer attention and made refinements.

It has probably become part of my regular thought process. It is exciting to make improvements, either your own, or in ways to help others. In our property business, we look out for houses that could be improved and provide a better home for people.

We also need to remember to celebrate these successes and improvements. Be grateful for them. Be careful you don’t become someone who is never satisfied. But also, don’t stop improving, especially if you are capable of more. Go forward in search of better.

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Searching For Clues

Do you have an obsession for solving mysteries, assessing situations and understanding interrelated details? Searching for clues seems to be something a great many people enjoy. Perhaps everyone does. Is it in our DNA?

So many TV shows, books, movies, careers, and relationships have an element of seeking the detail, nuance and unknown. Whether the theme involves mystery, romance, insurance, law, accounting, acting or discovery, there is a requirement to find information and piece together a story.

I have been a fan of the private investigator ?️‍♂️ world since I was a young lad. I started with the Encyclopaedia Brown books, moved on to Magnum P.I. and then to many different storylines after that.

Figuring things out tends to fit very well with our minds natural inclination to find solutions. Fascinating when you think that life is one giant puzzle and the mind is the ultimate enigma machine.

Mysteries are similar to a 30 dial (or more!) combination lock. You need to get all the information correctly lined up in a row to solve it. That can be either fun or frustrating, depending on its importance, its difficulty and your mindset.

There are still many great mysteries to solve including those of space, history, the oceans and our minds.

Until those are solved completely, we will remain searching for clues.


All The Information Exists Already

We can read about success. We can read about failure. All the information exists already and can be quickly and easily found.

I have found this information in books, videos, movies and magazines. You can also hear about it on podcasts and watch it on YouTube.

It is truly amazing what life changing information, tips, philosophies, examples and opportunities you can find if you simply start looking.

Now it helps if you can look with your eyes open and can ask good questions. With Google, you’re first question can even be mediocre. However, by your third search, you could have found what you originally wanted. Often times, I will even find things that were better than what I started looking for.

It helps to have access to the internet or a library. It’s free to get a library card. And once there, you can read books, borrow them (physical, online or In audio format) and in many you can access the internet for free.

It’s up to you to decide what you tune into though.

For example, if you watch scary movies and have nightmares, perhaps you should stop watching scary movies. Assess whether the content you’re consuming is making you a stronger, better person or not.

If you spend your time consuming media, social media and friends’ chats, you may find your opportunities diminishing. It might be fun or distracting, but you’re unlikely to be getting closer to the real results you want.

All the information exists already to get you on the road to your dreams. You just have to go find it and use it. With that knowledge and a little effort, you can achieve anything.

Go change your life now!
