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Where You Shine Your Light

Be aware of what you highlight and focus on. Just because you shine your light on one spot, doesn’t mean the other million spots you could have highlighted don’t exist. They do.

When people distract you with their preferred stories, you don’t get to work on your life story. Turned down the noise or even turn it off. You don’t need the media, your friends, colleagues, social media and entertainment to distract you.

Shine your light on your work. Stay focused. Get it done. Then take a well deserved break. Before long, get back at it. Everything else is noise distracting you from your dream life.

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Shine Your Light

You can make people happy. You have the power to help others feel lighter and more joy-filled. When you shine your light, so many other people benefit.

People have happiness triggers. There are certain things that will bring a smile to their face or laughter to their heart. You need to observe them or communicate with them to understand what the triggers are. Once you have the information, it makes it a lot easier to elicit a smile.

It can be quite an incredible feeling when you help someone find their smile. To see the joy in their eyes and the curling up of their lips can make you smile too.

Some people are brilliant at this. They have developed a knack for it. Comedians and talk show hosts seem to be able to get the smiles going. Sometimes it can be doctors, clowns and young children that help lighten the mood.

Presumably this is simply another skill that can be learned and improved upon. Most people should be able to get a few of their friends to crack up now and then. To improve in this capacity, buy a book of clean jokes and learn a few. You can also watch people perform their comedy routines on YouTube. Keeping a positive mental attitude can help too.

Shine your light and let the whole world shine with you.

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Shine On!

Life is full of ups and downs. So when you are on the way up, enjoy every minute of it. Enjoy the excitement and exhilaration. Shine on!

The compound, or snowball effect, works both ways. If things are getting worse, it can continue getting worse at an accelerating pace. However, if things are going well, life can explode in an upward trajectory.

Tuesday was one of those days. There was a mix of things happening. Though, I did have some great things happen and it seems to be snowballing upward so far. Long may that continue!

It is easier to maintain higher energy and an upbeat vibe when things are going well. This in turn will also attract other positive things and people toward you. People like to be around someone who is winning. It is a fun and wonderful thing to be a part of.

So throw on a smile and walk with your shoulders back. Get a little swagger going too. Feel like you are having the best day of your life. Breathe it in. Hold on to that feeling.

If you can keep your thoughts positive and your body strong, you will win the day. Try it.

Shine on!