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All The Smart People

Smart people tend to create things. Scientists, engineers, and dreamers. They also are instrumental in bringing creations to life. These can be the financiers, marketers, lawyers and technology folks.

However, after two centuries of progress and improved living standards around the world, some, if not many, of these same types of educated people are saying it is all too much. It’s going to destroy the planet.

How will we keep the advancements but not the downsides. Will all the smart people come up with a decent solution for all?

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Look Stupid Or Become Stupid

If you’re not willing to risk looking stupid, or even just wrong, then you are likely to eventually become stupid, or often wrong.

If you don’t put your hand up in class and ask your question, or possibly give the wrong answer, you won’t learn as much. If you don’t learn as much you run with a less well-informed crowd. Then you might slowly stop questioning, discussing, debating or considering ideas.

Your mental agility will dull and you might retreat from society a little. Then a little more. Now you definitely don’t want to look stupid because you have enough challenges in your life. You don’t need to reduce your confidence, self esteem or power group social standing unnecessarily.

Be willing to look stupid. It’s a much smarter path to follow.

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Replace Smart With Capable

Having a fixed or growth mindset can dramatically impact the success you find in life. Because of this, replace smart with capable when speaking with children, or anyone else for that matter.

When children, and people in general, hear praise that they are smart, it can lead them to believe they have the answers already. And that if they don’t have the answers, that perhaps they are stupid. This can lead to the desire to only do things where they know the answer for sure. This in turn can lead to reducing their circle of knowledge and reducing their participation in class or conversation.

This is indicative of a fixed mindset. This is the idea that what we know, we know. People can believe that if they don’t know, then they are not intelligent rather than they need to go find the answer. Someone with a growth mindset will note their lack of knowledge and learn to grow their knowledge base.

This is all reviewed in Carol S. Dweck’s book Mindset and in her research.

This idea is why I choose to use the word capable with my kids. They do not know everything. Nor can they do everything. However, they are capable of learning, training, practicing and improving. This is how I suggest they tackle all things in life.

Replace smart with capable for better long term results.