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Solution Or Being Right?

Are you actually looking for a solution, or do you just want to be right? Is it a solution to your perception of the problem or are you trying to remain relevant and comfortable within your group?

When you want your view to “win”, you may want to feed your ego and comfort, not actively find the ideal solution.

Shouldn’t we all be trying to solve for the optimal solution?

Remove your bias and stay focused on winning for the optimal good.

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Don’t Give Up

Use all of your resources. Call a friend. Use an app. Open your mind to the impossible and the things you may not have considered. How else could you attack the situation? What would a super spy do? What would a super hero do in this situation?

Keep pressing forward quickly and you will find a very good, or much better, solution.

Just don’t give up. A good solution is out there. Find it.

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The Easy Solution

There is always an easy solution to everything. Just the implementation and effectiveness are issues. The easy solution needs to be considered but should be reviewed for more complex items.

For example, the easy way to lose weight is to eat less and move more. This would bring in fewer calories and burn off more. And although solutions don’t come a lot easier than this, the individual implementation is much more difficult and therefore the effectiveness is often less than ideal.

Similar thoughts could be had for smoking or drinking. Easily, the best way to stop both of those is to stop buying the products. If you don’t have cigarettes at home or any alcohol, you are very unlikely to consume them.

Tidy your house, desk, papers or car. Seems so easy. And then when you are in the location again, do not leave anything there to mess it up. This good habit will leave your car, house, office or bedroom, very tidy indeed. If only people could perform like this daily, their spaces would be amazing.

Of course, many people do live like this. You may not be one of them, but they are out there.

The easy solution exists for many things. Though some people are unwilling to properly implement for effective results. Are you one of them?