
Try Something New Today

Why wait? It can be simple like a different flavour of gum. Or it could be flying to a foreign country without your wallet. It’s definitely going to be interesting.

Get creative. Spend a few dollars. Go somewhere. Buy something different. Give to charity rather than buy a magazine.

Get out there. Go do it!

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Try Something Different

Pygmalion has a soft spot in my heart. Probably since I read the play in my teens after finding my Mom’s Secondary School copy in the house.

So a few weeks ago I saw that a production was playing at a local theatre in Hampton Hill and I booked tickets for the family.

It was a Wednesday night and finished late but I wanted to take my wife and kids to it. So that’s what happened.

Despite some initial reluctance, it all went well. It was a very enjoyable performance!

It’s on for a few more nights. Get tickets here.

The theme relates very well to my #1 bestselling book Achieve Anything. Perhaps that’s another reason why I like it!

Try something different. Your world might shift.