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Stars In The Sky

Get away from city lights. Go out in the bush. Look up at the night sky and see thousands of stars in the sky. It’s incredible. It’s immense.

Wonder in amazement at how it all got here, fits together and works. Wow.

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Reach For The Stars

Think big and aim high. Things often take longer than you hope or plan. And the first iteration is a shadow of the next ones. Reach for the stars because you can.

Watching the Virgin Galactic livestream on Sunday afternoon reminded me how progress is made. Sir Richard Branson started dreaming about space flight a long time ago. He set up a company to make it happen in 2004. They thought they would be flying to space by 2006 or even 2008.

However, here we are 17 years after they started their quest. So things can take longer. Especially if the dreams are the bigger ones and no one has ever done it previously. Groundbreaking work takes time, money, dedication, patience and perseverance.

The tech they have engineered making the equipment reusable is brilliant. In addition, the comfort level looks sufficient for a wider variety of people to use. It is a very exciting time for space again! In addition to this exciting progress with space tourism, Mars is being explored more fully.

It was wonderful to see the mission completed successfully. Although I would like the space part to last longer, this is only the beginning. Remember the evolution of the TV, recorded music or even the telephone. Looking back at the first computers, laptops or iPhone’s also demonstrates how far things have progressed in such little time.

What other space companies are now going to pop up throughout the ‘20’s? Perhaps space truly is the final frontier.

Reach for the stars!

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When The Stars Align

You push and grind and patiently wait. One part of the puzzle is all it will take. Twisting and turning until everything’s fine. That’s when the stars align.

I love the visual I get when I think of stars aligning in space. I see maybe 10 or 12 massive bodies of matter moving into a straight line with millions of miles between them. It’s quite awesome to behold. It’s like giant tumblers inside a massive combination lock.

All the tumblers need to be in the correct position for the magic to happen and to unlock the mystery. When the stars are in just the right position, the world is your oyster.

It is such a wonderful feeling to have everything working out. Think about how many millions of things have to be working together for an amazing day to happen. Your arms, legs, heart, head, speech, movement, temperature, community, etc must all be in ideal conditions. Simultaneously!

That may be why it feels so special when those types of things happen. Whether it is for a minute or a whole day, it is simply the best feeling. Everything is in unison and giving off a glow. It might convince some of a magical force in the universe.

There is a powerful beauty when the stars align.