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Starting Is Hard Or Easy?

Starting a project is easy. Finishing is hard. Starting to revise schoolwork for an exam is hard but building momentum is easier.

Hard now can make it easier later. Easier now could mean hard later.

Whether it is easy or hard to start, start anyway. Start now.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Start Decent

It’s a new year with new goals and lots of enthusiasm to get going strong to start the year. But maybe strong is too ambitious. Perhaps starting decent is the better angle.

If you start as you mean to go on, will you be able to keep up the strong intensity with consistent effort by week 7, 14 and 26? Or are you setting yourself up to fail?

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingProgressReframe your thoughts

Start Writing Your 2023 Goals

Is there anything you want to achieve in 2023? Of course there is!! What about 2024 and 2025? I’m sure there is.

Get your mind thinking about the exciting and mundane goals you have imagined for your life in the many months ahead.

As the wonderful outcomes breeze through your mind, start writing these down. Capture your thoughts on paper to better reflect on over the coming days and make planning and tracking easier too.

Start today!

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Finish What You Start

If you don’t want to see it through to the end, don’t bother starting it. Think this through at the start of a project or situation rather then feel compelled to finish something you have no interest in.

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Start Simplifying

Remove things from your life. Narrow your focus down to a few things that are very important to you.

Remove items you don’t need or that aren’t bringing you benefit or joy. This might mean cancelling a newspaper subscription or tv package. It could also mean stopping an activity that is a habit but no longer as enjoyable.

Simplify your wardrobe, your files, your bookshelf, your schedule, your social media/communications and your thinking.

Keep removing items until you feel calm and more able to enjoy the things that really matter.

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Whatever you like, start doing it now. You’ll be uncomfortable and you’ll make mistakes, but you’ll be on your way.

Starting is hard. You show your hand to everyone. Don’t worry though. People tend not to notice too much and certainly not the detail. If they love you and see your challenges, they will support you. If they don’t like you, then don’t let it bother you either.

Start. There is no time to waste.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughtsWeightWeight loss

Start But Don’t Stick?

Goals were written and you started off great! But then the wheels came off. Your great new habits have been slowly becoming one-offs rather than habitual. With that, your confidence has taken a hit and old habits are creeping back in.

What happened?!?!

  • Did you write your goals down?
  • Were they specific?
  • Did you put the process element in your diary?
  • Did you set up your environment to win?
  • Did you review your goals 1, 2, or even 6 times per DAY?
  • Have you been reviewing and tracking HOURLY or DAILY?
  • Do your goals align with your values?
  • Have you adjusted your self-perception?

This last one tends to catch a lot of people out. If you’ve spent a long time saying you’re not sporty, it can be pretty hard to stick with walking, running or more engaging activities and sports.

Years of saying ‘I’m not a reader’ or ‘I don’t read’, will make it difficult to read a book per month.

You will likely benefit from adopting a mantra that reflects the new you that you are becoming. Mantra’s like, ‘I am a runner’, ‘I am fit, active and healthy’, or ‘I am a reader’ and ‘I am a well read person’.

If you’re good at starting new initiatives, habits and activities, that’s great! For many, that is the hardest part. You just need to become the outcome. Become a completer/finisher. State with strong intent, ‘I am disciplined and results driven.’ Fall in love with the process. And then, like a miracle, you’ll become who you decided to be.

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It’s Hard To Start

Getting going can take some time. Top tip though is to write five key bullet points. Right now. Type in or jot down five key bullet points about the topic, the call, next steps, outcome desired or plan.

Cracking the seal makes it feel real. Which is great. But it is also part of the problem. You see, until you write something down, the points are just ideas in your mind. You can fantasise about the outcome, the amazing letter you’ll write or the results you’ll get.

However, once you start writing it down, it makes it feel real. You need to be more precise. Realism comes into play.

This realisation scares the dickens out of most people. It can feel like your head getting whacked when the reality sets in. But it’s a good thing. Because if you don’t start, you can’t continue or finish.

It’s hard to start. But it’s necessary.
