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Start Fresh Daily

Leave the past in the past. It is history now. What’s done is done and can’t be undone. Understand what could be improved and work toward that. Focus on the ideal with good intent and good will come of it.

Start each new day with a clean slate. No score and no judgement. Begin again but with experience, knowledge, awareness and a desire to be better in all respects compared to the you of yesterday.

Leave your baggage behind. Write a letter or notes to get issues out of your head. Then file it away forever or destroy it. It need not come with you. Forgive others and yourself and forget that which makes you weak, sad, angry, frustrated or feel unloved.

Keep positive words, phrases and photos nearby all day and review them often. Keep your ideal in your mind’s eye.

Sure it’s a bit of work each day but it’s worth developing the habit. The activities will become a part of you and then you and those you greet will benefit from your joy and positive demeanour.

Think of things to make you smile and start fresh daily.

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Start Together When Debating

Start together when debating. Ensure you’re both starting from The Alamo. Ensure you both want to get to Times Square. Once you’re clear on where you will start and finish, your discussion will be more fruitful.

Often I begin a conversation with someone and we do not set out the key point in advance. Casual conversations start this way most of the time. It is only when you get to a point where you don’t see eye to eye that any issues occur.

Before getting further involved in those conversations, it can be useful to be clear on what the different perspectives are. When I say to be clear, I mean get quite specific. Most often people will disagree on different points in the discussion. Without being clear and specific, you might think you are discussing the same point. However, I frequently notice that people are talking about the same topic but different points within it.

For example, let’s say the topic was crime. We could even be discussing the idea of whose fault it is that we have crime. Some people will consider it to be the fault of the parents, the person themself, the government for creating the laws, the police for enforcing the laws and a number of other things.

It is best to pick one specific item and discuss it at length. If you start together when debating, you may realise you have more in common then you thought.

CategoriesActionGratitudeThink About ItWeight loss

Who Inspires You?

Stop and think about this. Is there anyone? Was there a person you followed as a child or in your youth? Who inspires you?

It may not simply be a who either. It could be a what that provides you with inspiration. For example, the idea of paying off your house mortgage might inspire you. Alternatively, becoming a fine doctor and saving people’s lives might do it.

Inspiration can come from other places too. You could be looking ahead to the person you want to be in 10 years time. It might be easier to consider someone else. You might even pick and choose certain aspects from many different people. What qualities do you like or appreciate? Which ones would you absolutely love to have, without question or hesitation?

When you know who has a positive impact on your mental state, you can consider how you could think like them in a given circumstance.

The moment of inspiration reminds me of the saying, “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” At some point, something or someone will inspire you to do something. You may decide to get your house in order or your finances. You might change jobs, start exercising or build your ideal life.

Whatever sparks a quest in you to improve your life, or that of others, should be appreciated. Make sure you give thanks.

Who inspires you?

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Start Small But Dream Big

The trouble at the beginning is that there may not be much there. Sometimes there is a seed or an idea. Start small but dream big.

The critical part is to start. You can make whatever fanciful dream you want, but if you don’t begin, you won’t get there. And you can’t usually do step 2 until after you’ve done step 1.

Sometimes we can use a shortcut to get somewhere. However, even shortcuts have a beginning point. Don’t try to maximise, effiency-drive everything. Every podcast started with one listener as did every Clubhouse room. There is nothing wrong with that.

Now staying that size is a problem. You should grow a little. If not, check out why. Ask around. Get some answers. And then do something about it.

It is not everyone’s destiny to become some huge big deal. But it isn’t appropriate to stay so small as to be insignificant. You should be able to build an audience. If not, you have got to ask yourself why.

Just because you start at the bottom, doesn’t mean you have to stay there. Add more value, develop a skill, practice, learn, develop.

You have it in you to do something exciting! So get on that. Take an interest in your craft.

Start small but dream big.