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Get Into The Groove

Oh I love that feeling when you’re in that state of flow. When everything is clicking and you’re set to go go go. Get into the groove has a real feeling of being at one with something. It is not just a mid-80’s pop song.

Right now things are going very well. Not much sleep, but a lot of fun and getting a lot of interesting new things done. It is so much easier to glide through a day on little sleep when you are really enjoying things.

It is also easier to push through any challenges. Sometimes they don’t even feel like real challenges.

Getting into this state is not always easy. However, like anything else, with a little practice you can start making it happen more frequently. One of the key insights is to not try too hard to make it happen. You need to let it happen, or flow, naturally.

For me, I know that if I try to slow it down or analyse what I am doing, I make it clunky. So if I am walking with a glass of water and then think I need to be more careful, it can backfire. I can get so caught up in trying to make sure all is fine, that I can then spill it. Strange but true.

Get into the groove. And try to spend more time there.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessWeightWeight loss

Get Outside For A Walk Or Run

It is easy to stay inside. Even more so when it is wet, windy and wintery. Regardless, get outside for a walk or run. Prepare the night before. Have everything ready by the door. Sit up in your bed and put your feet on the floor. Get up and go!

Starting your day with a little activity gets the juices flowing. It warms up your body and gets your mind in gear. Nothing too challenging though. It’s just a walk or a run.

You might only go one or two kilometres. It might take five or 30 minutes. It doesn’t have to be a long time or distance. Simply make sure you go at least five days every week. Plan in advance which days it will be. Then stick to it.

This planning and doing will build your confidence and self-esteem. It doesn’t even matter if it is low or high at the moment. This activity will make it even better.

While out, you can listen to the birds chirp and the wind in the trees. Maybe you’re lucky to be near a river, lake or mountain. Even if you are in the centre of town, use your powers of observation. Alternatively, you could listen to an audiobook or podcast.

Be careful and stay safe. Obey the laws, rules and norms.

But get outside for a walk or run today.

It’s time to shake things up!