CategoriesGratitudeObserveThink About It

After The Storm

I love the heat. And I love a little rain after the heat. Then the cooling breeze after that is just sensational. It’s a cool, fresh feeling and transports me to a Caribbean setting.

I love that pleasant moist breeze dancing through while it’s still so warm the windows are open and I’m in a short sleeved shirt and shorts. It’s a fabulous feeling.

I think of walking down La Quinta in Playa del Carmen or walking back along the beach. It’s a wonderful feeling and should be experienced as often as you can.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveTime

The Storm Before The Calm

I always find December to be quite a challenge. There are the cooler days in the Northern Hemisphere, preparations for Christmas if you join in those festivities, parent teacher events, sporting finals, shorter days and end of year gatherings. Add the challenge of government rules around Covid to that and preparing and launching a book and there is even more to deal with.

Getting trees, shopping, wrapping, card writing and queuing to send cards or gifts all add on top of regular work and sleep. There is fun to be had but also a strain on your time. There are all the things I intend to do and each year I aim to start the process earlier. Thankfully my wife is very good at sorting these extra things out which always saves the day. Though we don’t get everything off of our wish list each year, we do get the essentials sorted.

And that is ok. We can’t do everything. We have to make priorities on our time and finances. Fortunately, there is a moment around 9am Christmas morning, I feel the calm settle in. What is done is done. Anything missed will be accepted or fixed later. And we can enjoy a few days of totally chilling. I love that.

The storm before the calm is necessary for me to appreciate the calm. And for those hours this weekend, I will be in complete bliss. Enjoy!
