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The Home Stretch

Hopefully you’re feeling all sorted at this point. Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, we are finishing this calendar year in the next 10 days. We are into the home stretch.

It’s getting too late to make significant changes. If you’ve put something off, it will be hard to catch up or jam it all in to the next week and a half.

But you can build good habits starting now. Prepare yourself for the weeks and months ahead. Get your house in order. Commit and be disciplined.

Make use of the home stretch. What is unfinished this year can be built on for next year. Start preparing today.

CategoriesActionProgressThink About It

How High Can You Reach?

Some people love to strive. You can see this in many children. Just place the honey on a higher shelf. It’s like saying, “How high can you reach?”. Then watch that child stretch, climb, extend and exert themselves until it is safely in their grasp.

The honey is part of their vision for a better life. They know that the sweet taste and sugar high is just beyond their here and now. Many children carry on with that zest to follow a better vision. This is often in exchange for a little adventure, struggle or sacrifice.

Just like when a child is climbing and reaching, sometimes the outcome isn’t ideal. They may slip. Or they could fall. Sometimes they may reach their goal only to have it slip from their fingers. In their worst case scenario, the glass jar slips from their outstretched hand and breaks into a gooey mess on the floor.

Children learn to carry on and try again. Often they recall the lessons but not the pain of any previous failed attempts. Selective memory can be helpful.

Find a vision that excites you enough to stretch for it. Choose something that will fill you with joy and delight on the path, not just at the destination.

How high can you reach?