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Strong Push

Sometimes you need to give a strong push to complete a project, revise for an exam or finish a race or workout.

If it’s not very difficult or draining, both mentally and physically, you might not really understand the word strong.

It could involve two days with no sleep or six days with only 3 hours sleep a night. It will be uncomfortable but it is short term and required to ensure the goal is met in the required time.

Train your brain to push through the pain and challenges and on to the win!!!

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Stay Strong

Don’t let them get you down. Stay mentally tough. Ensure their barbed taunts deflect off you like Teflon.

For some reason, people would rather see you aggravated and fail then to see how well you could do. They’ll chastise you, give you labels and call you names. They don’t see good or want to address the issue in a discussion.

It’s win the argument at all costs, even if it means destroying bridges and foundations.

Don’t let them ruin you. Stay strong.

CategoriesGratitudeThink About ItTime

Strong Memories

Strong memories can pull you in with great or horrific feelings associated with those moments.

I just pictured an incredibly strong memory of mine when I was about 12. I was playing “rocks” with my cousins at my grandparents place on the path just outside the pool house. Fun and carefree times. It’s like a photograph burned into my mind. Occasionally it’s a short movie.

Strong memories like that feel great and bring a smile to my face.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Just The Policy

Calling people names, noting who they married, referening their hair, skin tone, partner preferences or where they went to school, are all weak reasons to like or dislike someone or their point of view.

Listen to the policies they advocate for. Think through the short term implications and the associated longer term ones. Watch what they do. Do they live the policy?

If you reference any of the above external, non-policy points in a discussion, you’ve lost. You may win in popularity, if your followers allow weak arguments. However, you’ll know that you’re not improving the group, yours or the wider societal one.

Keep your points focused on the pros and cons of the policy. It may get less audience reaction, but it will help us all improve our thinking skills and make an actual difference in peoples lives.