CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsWeight loss

Success Habits Are Hard

Being unsuccessful is relatively easy. At least it is at first. Laze around, do little to no work and spend money you don’t earn or have. the consequences mean it does get much harder as the months and years go by though.

Building up your success habits is another story though. Eating less and better food takes discipline. Exercising or going to the gym takes discipline and it can be hard. Studying is rarely easy. Same with doing your work, dishes, and laundry. Saving and investing is also quite difficult near the start.

There are a lot of things you need to do to be successful. The sooner you get each one under control, the better off you’ll be!

CategoriesObserveThink About It

Success Leaves Clues

Want to know how to succeed? Find several people who are where you want to be and follow what they have done. Success leaves clues. So don’t be clueless. Assess what these people have done and start doing it.

Success might be better described as moving in the direction you want. It can be a final event. You could say winning an Olympic gold medal is success. However, it could be seen in more everyday uses too. You could have successfully applied for a job. Success could be completing a job interview too. Being offered the job would indicate success as well.

Some general ingredients to have more success in your life are as follows. First, you should work hard and not just when you are told or feel like it. Second, set out a plan to reach your goal and what you need to do to achieve it. Then follow that plan daily. Put in the effort, time and energy, while improving your skills, mindset and confidence.

Some of the clues you will notice are having a big goal, a plan of action and some discipline. In addition, you will need to build your resilience because that is also a key to success. Furthermore, you will notice that those that train consistently get better and more consistent results.

Success leaves clues. Look for them.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsTime

Welcome To Your Year

Everything you have chosen to do in life has lead you to where you are now. You have been preparing for this. Welcome to your year.

You have had your unique challenges and opportunities. You have made decisions and reacted, or responded, to situations you’ve been faced with. However, now you are ready. Enough is enough. Your training is over.

No more playing around the edges. No more playing small or not fulfilling your potential. This is going to be the year that you launch out of the gate. You will begin with a strong start followed by a determined follow through.

Think quickly but with long a term vision to guide you along. You will take action and seek definitive results. Play offence like your life depends on it.

Make the call. Delegate. Ask for help. Seek out mentors, advisors, guides and those who can help. Make new friends who challenge you to go beyond the yawn of daily life. Become an unstoppable force. Be sought after and recommended.

You can make this happen. But you have to want it bad enough. Yes, there will be some sacrifice. And you will be outside your comfort zone often. However, you, and only you, can take the actions to get the results. Finish 2021 with success and pride.

Welcome to your year.

CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessTime

Your Two Week Sprint

Let the games begin! What habits could you start? What changes could you get underway? Your two week sprint starts today! In 14 days you will have lived through what is probably the oddest first 2/3rds of a year in your life.

Your goals may be all over the place, like the airline industry. Or they may be laying in tatters after having achieved them all and then some, like Amazon.

Whichever it is, there are only a couple of weeks left in August before the world tries something it hasn’t done in 102 years. During the 1918 Pandemic the world tried to get back to normal over the summer and through the usual autumn activities. Back to work, school and life in general.

Now what can you commit to for the next two weeks? It’s not forever, its simply your two week sprint. Get yourself in decision mode. Make an unbreakable commitment to yourself. Resolve to do your 14 day habit to put you on the road to ever greater success.

We’re coming into the home stretch of this zany 2020 year. Get yourself into great shape in at least one area you’ve been thinking about all year. My sprint has goals and habits focused on food, fitness, finances, fun and non-fiction.

What are you going to achieve during this sprint?

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts

Never Miss A Day

So you really want to change your life. Well today will be the day that turns your whole life around. Today you will decide, commit and never miss a day.

That’s the secret to success.

You can make it more complicated. Sure there are many, many other factors you could consider. You could note the leader of the day isn’t your cup of tea. A person could cite transnational agreements and changes in the local laws.

However, it comes down to reasons or results.

Which one will you focus on? I suggest you spend your time planting seeds and taking care of them every day. Do everything the successful growers of those seeds say to do. You can listen to people with opinions and no results, if you wish. But don’t be surprised if you get similar results.

Maybe you want to run faster, lose weight, inhale only air, start a business, get a promotion or change jobs. If so, you need to decide and commit to it. You need to plan out the days, weeks and months ahead. Have a vision and a plan. Then take action and the results will appear.

Then you will need to execute and never miss a day!

207 daily blog posts in a row and I have not missed a day yet. Share this post with someone who is committed, likes thinking or is making changes in their life.

CategoriesProgressThink About It

Precision Is The Key To Success

Whether you are attempting secondary school mathematics, or helping NASA prepare for a rocket launch, I believe precision is the key to success.

You don’t generally play a piano. You select specific keys and strike them with precision. Playing any key in any order while lazily hitting random keys together, is unlikely to make a great symphony.

The more precise you become with something, the greater your probability of success with it. I think people generally understand this concept. We see so many people trying to learn, practice and improve their skills. It could be at school on tests, in sports, or during their career.

The more precise you can be in speaking and communicating, the more success you are likely to find in whatever endeavour you pursue. This can be particularly true when you ask for something. Make sure you are clear about what your are asking for. The greater the precision, the more likely people will understand the request and be able to deliver on it.

I always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific.

Lily Tomlin

When following instructions it is useful to follow along precisely. For some reason, people sometimes ignore the instructions or skip over several steps. I wouldn’t be so brazen. Especially if it is important.

Follow every step precisely because precision is the key to success. ?


Timing Is Everything

Every minute of life is like a slowly changing, large combination lock. Timing is everything. You need to get the right numbers, in the correct sequence, at the right time.

In life’s combination lock, the correct code keeps changing, similar to the Enigma machine. Even if you get the correct numbers and right sequence, if the timing is off, you don’t get to unlock the rewards.

Although, if you start paying attention to the people that have deciphered the code, and you follow it, your likelihood of success will be greatly magnified.

Timing is everything. I am sure you can relate. Maybe you have arrived at a shop as they were locking the doors, or snuck into your classroom just before the teacher turned to face the class.

There seems to be good and bad timing, but it is simply timing, nonetheless. The universe is indiscriminate.

Do your best to be your best as often as you can. Life can be a real numbers game. You never know when all the stars will be aligned and you will hit the jackpot.

Just make sure you are in the game, doing your best and learning to do better. The more you practice the more fortunate you will become.


Driven To Succeed

It’s always exciting to watch someone in action when they’re driven to succeed. The planning, the grit, the grind and the discipline make you realise how tough it is to succeed at things.

What you call success, and how you measure it, is important. Moreover, success means different things to different people at different moments in their life. That is to say, things change, perspectives change and priorities change. Encourage people when they are making these changes.

In addition, how I measure success is probably different to how you do. For example, I may want to learn to play the piano for fun at family gatherings. However, you might be practicing to become a concert pianist and get paid to tickle the ivories at The Royal Albert Hall.

Regardless of how you look at success, it is personal. It is your view of success. Simply be honest with yourself when deciding what you would like to achieve and to what level. This should make you happier at the end of your days.

Just don’t sell yourself short. You really should go mad for your dream once in a while. Likewise, think carefully before you sacrifice everything for your dream. It may not be worth the price.

Whichever way you look at success, I think the quote below is valuable for those who are driven to succeed.

Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can do what others can’t.

Jerry Rice

Remember to stick to the long term thinking about your dream. This will require commitment, focus and some sacrifice in the now. But how nice will it feel when you arrive at that moment of success? All that hard work, effort and those re-purposed moments will make it all worthwhile.

Enjoy the journey!


Focus On Your Opportunity

The entire world seems to be on an edge with unprecedented events happening weekly. You must search for your opportunity and then focus on it. Make this your moment. Ignore the distractions because this could be your time. Focus on your opportunity.

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.

Albert Einstein


Success And Happiness

These two words create such excitement, expectation and desire, as well as so much stress and disappointment. Success and happiness are often confused or thought of as one and the same, but they are not.

Success is getting what you want. Happiness is liking what you get.

H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Decide what you want and go get it. However, once you do, you really should enjoy that success for a little while before you go out again. Let it bring you joy. Let yourself be happy. Give yourself permission.

Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.

Abraham Lincoln

Even in these unusual and often challenging times, try smiling more. You can make a world of difference to someone by just smiling. You’ll also find that it will help to bring you more success and happiness. Win win.
