CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessThink About ItTime

Make Hay While The Sun Shines

Growing up on a farm, this made a lot of sense. You had to work on sunny days. Now that I am no longer on a farm, this means something a little different to me.

It means work while you can. Work while you have the health and ability. While conditions are good, make the most of them.

Because on actual sunny days, I like to watch my kids play, stroll with my wife, go for a run, or have a siesta under a shady tree. Sometimes even drink a cold beverage.

Words and phrases can mean different things to different people or even the same people but in different circumstances.

Do the work, or go and play, while you can.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & Fitness

Sunshine Is Awesome

Oh my, having such a long streak of sunshine is awesome! 23C in London today. Bright sunny skies. 49% humidity. The last couple of weeks have been lovely, weather-wise. Today was a fabulous day for a long, solo run through Richmond Park.

Just me and The Real Estate Guys and that awesome sunshine. The two police at the gate into Richmond Park was a nice touch to ensure we keep our physical distancing. It would have been quite warm for them, so I felt for them. But I suppose it may have been better than a chilly downpour.

Wherever you are in the world, I hope you get some sunshine this Easter weekend. It does feel so nice on the face. It warms you up, cheers you up and can help lift your mood. Take some time to close your eyes and face toward the sunshine, even if it is for only 30 seconds. It certainly can be a life changing moment – in your mind, if nothing else.

That one action of turning toward the sun, (eyes closed!) could change your world.

Enjoy some awesome sunshine! ☀️
