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Decision Making Is A Superpower

Those who can make quick decisions will succeed sooner in life. You can usually change a decision if you need to later. However, making a decision is critical.

Too many people prevaricate and hope they won’t have to make the tough decisions. Sometimes even easy decisions, like ordering dinner at a restaurant, can take too much time and thought power.

Practice making quick decisions each day this week. It’s a muscle that you can develop.

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What Is Your Superpower?

Everyone has one. If you don’t know yours, you should have a little think about it. What is your superpower? How do you use it?

Kids tend to know their own superpower and that of the other kids. They know if the are brilliant and lightning quick at solving a Rubik’s Cube, like my son. He knew it because he could time himself. It became more obvious to him as children he didn’t even know would come up to him at school, hand him their cube and ask him to fix it for them. He always did. This was proof that others knew his super power too.

Remember, you can have more than one superpower. For example, Superman had incredible strength, heat vision and flight, to name a few. In contrast, you may not know of any power yet. Sometimes these are revealed at different times in life. It may be more about ‘when the student is ready, the teacher appears’. Or perhaps it is a matter of ‘seek and ye shall find’.

One other thing about this, is that your power may be underdeveloped. You will need to work at it, test it and experiment. It will grow stronger and you will be better able to control it as you work at it. You will need to have focus, discipline and persistence.

What is your superpower?
