Book in something to look forward in the month ahead. Perhaps a walk with a friend or a dinner or a trip.
Book something in for every month this year.
This gives you something to look forward to throughout the year.
Book in something to look forward in the month ahead. Perhaps a walk with a friend or a dinner or a trip.
Book something in for every month this year.
This gives you something to look forward to throughout the year.
Sometimes things don’t go as planned. Things change and you need to adapt. It can be good change, or less so, but either way you are on a new path. Make the most of every change.
Some change is wonderful or exciting. Other change is dreadful or painful. Change will continue to be there regardless of how we see it.
Change just is. We give the change its meaning. We can also adjust what meaning we give to the change. Do try to make it more positive. It can be very hard. But if you do this, it can have a positive impact. It will take time and repeated effort and brain training. It will be worth it though.
Spend more on a few finer things because you are a good person. Don’t always just take the cheapest. Pay a little more for a better experience. You’ll be glad you did. And you are likely to never remember the extra bit of cost.
Tomorrow, when you wake up, become a hurricane with huge power and get things done. Move with speed and purpose. Focus on one thing in a sustained direction and then switch to the next thing. Keep going. Make tomorrow the most productive day you’ve had in 6 weeks!!
Try new things if only once a week or once per month. Maybe you could work up to new things daily after awhile.
New things can be good for the mind and soul.
Simple. Free. Appreciated.
Massively up your game in this area. Today.
You’ll feel better and so will all the lovely people you say nice things to. Win win.
What are the three things you most want to get done tomorrow? Write these down clearly. What outcome would you most like when it is time to fall asleep again at the end of tomorrow.?
If you can move these three key things forward in your day, you are achieving a lot. Anything else you get done beyond that is a bonus. But at least you’ll have completed three things that are important in your life.
Do this everyday and you will see great improvements in your life over 3, 6 and 12 months. Good luck!
Remember: You can achieve anything. If you want to win more, pick up my bestselling book, Achieve Anything, on Amazon and start winning today! It is currently on sale – Thank you Amazon.