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Rational Thought

Do not be led by fear. Some concern is fine but to assume that all negative or fear-based ideas will come true is unnecessary.

People say a lot of things. Ignore most of them. Also, understand their bias. They are probably trying to influence you for a reason. If they use facts, they are genuine. If they name-call, use fear or invoke strong negative emotion, they are playing you for a fool; and enjoying your naivety.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Have You Actually Thought About It?

How quickly can we get into defending our position on a matter, when we may not have thought it through that much?

Did we do any research outside of our normal echo chamber? Was there any attempt at looking at it logically without the noise? Did we actively listen to opposing thoughts and try to find common ground?

Be mindful you’re not holding on to arguments because you would like them to be true more than they are actually true.

Most things can be agreed in the round, it’s just the percentages that we differ on. And sometimes those aren’t far apart either!


Thought Smile

What thought always brings a smile to your face? Is it a future dream, a childhood moment, a time of pride from sports, school or family or simply a fond memory of watching clouds float by?

Whatever it is, be sure to overuse it. Think of it often and enjoy the smile. Like kindling for a fire it can enable a warm and enjoyable environment.

CategoriesActionGratitudeProgressReframe your thoughts

Only Good Thoughts #OGT

Train your brain, like you would a muscle. Teach it to focus on the good side of everything.

Don’t become delusional. Accept that there will be tough moments and bad things. And you can cry and scream and yell. But after a few minutes, pick yourself back up, regain your composure, focus on the good that will be coming, and carry on.

You don’t have to do this. You can wallow in self pity and proclaim that everything is rubbish. You can remain with a cloud over your head for hours, days, weeks or even years. If that is how you want to enjoy this one life we get to live, well that is your prerogative. But I’ll probably stay clear of you. I don’t need you raining on my parade.

It can be hard at first to keep only good thoughts. Sometimes you’re so deep in the dirt, you can’t find anything good. But like any other training, education, or developing skill set, it requires some work and effort.

Let the bad thoughts pass through your head. Thanks for stopping by. So long. Take care. Then, find things to feel good about. Start with simple things like, ’I woke up this morning!’ or ‘look, food in the house!’. Then be grateful for the client phone call you received. Or you can appreciate the money in your bank account. It may not be as much as you would love to have, but there is some there. Be grateful.

Really try to get to Only Good Thoughts. Of all the skills you could develop, doesn’t this one sound like a great one!?

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

Diversity Of Thought Or Appearance

Which is better? Are they both good but for different reasons? Should we focus on improving one, the other, both or neither?

Should we be trying to engineer things or let them take their natural course? Think about the forced path meandering across a green space in front of a university or other building. Then notice the well worn path in the grass that is the direct route across the space that so many people clearly take.

Diversity of appearance can help people see themselves in the position of that admired person one day, as outward appearance is a quick identifier.

However, if you take the Bible and wrap it with dozens of distinctly different looking covers, the text inside will be the same. If a book club selects all the different books based on their cover, when each review is given, the content will be strikingly similar and monotone. There may be little diversity of thought or intellectual diversity.

On the other hand, a person could look very similar to a few dozen other people and have very different views, experiences, thoughts and perspectives on a variety of topics. This would demonstrate diversity of thought.

So, as always, it depends on what your intent is and what you are solving for.

However, don’t argue for diversity of thought while only seeking diverse appearances. Likewise, it’s best not to think you’re getting diversity of thought when you are really just keeping up appearances.

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The Power Of Thought

Everything begins in the mind and with a thought. It is the kernel, the seed, the beginning. From there, anything can happen.

Your body responds to the thoughts in your mind. Even when you don’t think you have thought, you have. You don’t think through how to walk across the room. You just see yourself over there and off you go!

Start with a thought and it can take you anywhere.

And do not be concerned if few people see your destination. It always starts with one person and their vision. Airplanes are ubiquitous today, but 200 years ago flying was a wild idea. Even 120 years ago, only a few people could see it happening. Then, once the first flight occurred in Kitty Hawk, in 1903, more people believed and saw the potential.

Now, so many of us benefit from the power of that original thought by someone who was dreaming of a better world.

Use the power of thought to start changing your life. Reimagine your corner of the world and begin.

CategoriesThink About It

Thought Process Or Auto-Pilot?

Are you on auto-pilot too often? I know it’s easier. But sometimes we need to re-evaluate how we think and how we are coming to the conclusions we do. Is it simply that we listen to our favourite news source or podcast? Do you just nod and agree?

Do you investigate the ideas of people who hold our might have different and even opposing views?

Are you giving these things thought or simply accepting a third party view? Try understanding what others are saying. You may agree more often than you think.