CategoriesActionObserveThink About ItTime

How Long Do You Need To Wait?

If you want to declare a thought to be yours, how long do you need to wait after someone else says it?

Can you get away with saying you thought of that weeks ago?

It’s the old, ‘You can’t fire me, I already quit.’ Or, ‘I broke up with you three weeks ago. You mustn’t have heard me.’

We seem to be getting that from the provinces in Canada. They do not want the world to think that the recent protests heightened their awareness of the desire for the mandates to end nor that the protestors influenced their decision to end, or not extend, the mandates.

So they weren’t forced. But perhaps, maybe, just maybe, the provincial governments were made aware of the issue and it’s importance to a growing number of Canadians. Some other provinces haven’t made any decisions yet. Possibly, they are penalising Canadians with longer Covid restrictions, just so they don’t look like the protests had any influence.

So how long does it take before a decision will be sufficiently far into the future to not count as being influential or awareness-enhancing. Would a week do it? Probably more like two months. Maybe three. Just to be sure no one thinks you’ve been influenced.

Mr. Trudeau may also be considering how long he has to wait to change any Covid measures before he can claim it has nothing to do with the Truckers or Freedom Convoy.

Well, the fine citizens of Canada may have to live with many more months of Covid restrictions, just so Mr Trudeau, and some Premiers, can claim total control of the decision making. Oh, Canada.

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Why Do We Need To Know?

Why do you need to read the news? What is it that is so important about some tragedy 3,700 miles away that you must know? Isn’t there enough struggle, challenge or tragedy on our own doorstep?

There’s about 7.9 billion people on this planet. Assume just 1% of all these people had a tragic moment at sometime during your 80 year life. That’s 79 million people. Let’s say it took you just 5 minutes to read, listen to or watch something about the person and their event.

Then it would take you 751 years on a 24/7 schedule to learn about each one. Who has 10 lifetimes to give to simply learn about the challenges of people around the world.

Be clear why you are doing it. Perhaps your time would be better spent improving the lives of a few people near to you, rather than imagining the pain of people in a distant land.

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveThink About ItTime

Quality Time Defined

Is quality time what you want or what they want? If one of you isn’t delighted, is it still quality time? It’s time to have quality time defined.

Deciding you are going for a walk with a friend, who doesn’t enjoy walking, might not be the best idea of quality time. Do you both have to enjoy the activity, discussion or company? Or is it ok if just one of you do?

When you spend some of your day with your young child, is it enough to just enjoy being together? Or do you need to enjoy the event too? Is it quality time either way?

Encouraging your child to try something with you might seem like a good idea. You will be expanding their horizons and possibly adding a new, burgeoning skill to their repertoire. This is brilliant if they thoroughly enjoyed it. However, if they were not very interested or engaged, is it still quality time?

Is a shared memory considered quality time, even if it is not a brilliant or positive one? Perhaps they learned a lesson, or you did. If it came from a difficult experience, but something good came from it, does it fit the description?

In summary, life will be different for you with quality time defined.


The Right Time Is Now

You’ve been holding back on something. You want to move forward but the timing doesn’t feel right. Well, the right time is now.

The lights may never be green at every intersection from here to your destination. You may have to slow down or stop once in a while. But another green light will appear and you will be able to continue on your way.

However, getting off your bottom, getting in the correct attire and getting in your car is the start of the journey. You can’t be part done until you start. And yes, you may not have all the information you think you need. Few people ever do. Perhaps you’ve waited too long if that is the case.

Make those phone calls and speak to the people you need to. Read what is critical and do what is required, but at least get going. 90% of life is just showing up. If you show up, they may pick you. If you are the only one there at the right time, you may be in luck.

And you never know what the right moment will be, so you best keep showing up. This reminds me of a time I was walking down a street in Sydney, Australia. A police officer stopped me and asked if I could join a police lineup. But that is another story…

The right time is now. Get out there.


Allocating Time

Time is amazing and challenging. There are so many interesting things to do and yet not enough minutes to do them all. Allocating time is the ultimate challenge in life.

Reconsider how you parcel out your time. Is it hyper-methodical? Or is it free flowing? Perhaps you are generally somewhere in between but vacillate from one end of the continuum to the other.

There is an amount of time for work matters, family, play, friends, sleep, eating and relaxing. How much to apportion to each area on any given day is the challenge.

I try to get my work done while the kids are at school or out with friends. Sometimes you radically change the allocation by choice, such as for a holiday. At other times, the change may happen to you. This could be the case if you come down with an illness or if someone close to you is unwell.

The other challenge is that it is hard to tell ahead of time, which combination is the best one. Working 100 hours a week can take its toll on your health and relationships. Of course, even working 60 hours a week can have an adverse effect on many things.

So it may be quite helpful doing a monthly review of how you are allocating time.


Just In Time Solutions

Why do we wait until the last minute to complete things? If we know three months in advance, why wait until there are 3 days to go? Just in time solutions are fine for supply chains. However, they are not ideal for getting items off your to do list.

When assignments at work, at school, accounting, tax or financial matters often seem to be done at the last minute and not weeks in advance.

My ideal situation for these things is to do the work when it is available to be done. This means when the assignment is handed to you, get going on it. It does not mean throw it on top of a pile of papers or in a drawer and forget about it. Receiving multiple red font alert-type letters is not a sign of a well organised operation.

I understand it can be challenging. I know other things come up and take your focus away. And it can be difficult to juggle many balls at once. However, start making it a habit to deal with things as they come up. Make plans and put the time required in your diary.

Just in time solutions can work but ahead of time is usually even better.

CategoriesFinancialGratitudeProgressThink About ItTime

How Do You Give Back?

Do you do something for charity, your community, people coming up behind you? It’s good to reflect on this. How do you give back?

I am trying to add more of this into my days. I do it sporadically and I would like to do it in a more structured way. It starts with giving my time to people who are building their careers or businesses. Then, Money for charitable causes and effort for good causes.

Getting clear on how to apportion time and money, and setting those aside for good causes, is a useful exercise. It makes you stop and think about what you do now, what might be good and even how it makes you feel. Should you set aside more time and money? To whom and how should that be done?

Some people are very good with structuring their thoughts around this. I’ve known people to set aside x amount of money and y amount of time. Then they gift that away through the year. Other people simply donate a lump sum and that’s that. All requests after that are denied.

Some people will give money freely but not their time. While others do the opposite. There are those that give 1% of their income while others give away most or all of it, like the incredible Chuck Feeney.

How do you give back?


Save Time Or The Environment

When you have a hole in your clothes or a button pops off, do you mend it, have it mended, recycle it or bin it? Do you save time or the environment?

We have a skateboard which has stiff wheels. Maybe the ball bearings need replacing. Or maybe it is the wheels. More lubricant does not seem to do the trick. The options are to get rid of the skateboard and buy a new one for £30, or keep it and try to fix it.

If we keep it and fix it, we need to spend time on finding and ordering new parts. Then we need to go collect the parts or have them delivered. Once we have them, we need to get tools out and spend time replacing the parts. Hopefully that solves the problem.

The parts might cost £10 and then there is delivery or pick up costs, such as petrol. Then it depends on what you consider your time is worth. You may see it as a monetary value per hour or simply the value of having an hour of time to yourself in a busy week. Either way, there is a cost to you.

So whether it is mending a shirt or a skateboard, we all make these assessments about our time, money and the environment.

Do you save time or the environment?

CategoriesGratitudeReframe your thoughtsTime

Don’t Wish It Away

Sure things could be different. Maybe they could be better too. Though maybe this is better than the alternative. Don’t wish it away in any case.

Who knows what tomorrow brings. The grass is always greener. So don’t throw away today to gamble on tomorrow being better for you in the way that you want. It might happen. But what are the odds? How many of the last 7,000 or 14,000 days have turned out precisely as you had hoped and dreamed?

Together, all of those days make up the great tapestry of your life. Ups and downs, triumphs and tribulations, challenges and celebrations. Sing when you’re winning. But don’t pout when you‘re down and out.

”Don’t wish it away, Don’t look at it like it’s forever”

Elton John

One of my favourite songs is this Elton John classic. I’ve enjoyed it throughout my life. Those first two lines are so catchy and are appropriate at so many times. It can slap you awake and out of complacency. Those words remind me that life is short. You’ve got to, “live every second, without hesitation”.

You learn in the tough times. Don’t miss the lessons that are there for the taking.

Sometimes you have to live like there’s no tomorrow. Because one day there won’t be one.

Don’t wish it away.