CategoriesGratitudeThink About ItTime

I Like Hanging Out With People Like Me

It always depends on the moment and what I am interested in at the time. However, I like hanging out with people like me. It seems like a natural feeling.

When I listen to rock music, it’s more fun if I am with people who enjoy the same bands. It’s less fun if the people with me don’t enjoy the bands or music genre. And certainly it is not very enjoyable if they simply criticise it or complain about it.

When I go running, I prefer to go with people like me. I prefer to go with people who like running. And ideally they are ready to go in the early morning which is what I prefer. Additionally, it is better going with someone who runs a similar distance and pace too. Though I’m happy to be pushed to go further and faster.

Whether it’s food, sport, holidays or almost anything I can think of, I like hanging out with people like me.

And those people are oftentimes different people for each thing. This is great because they can bring other aspects into the mix too.

It’s great to get different perspectives. But when I want to enjoy myself, I like hanging out with people like me.


Those Super Productive Days

Some days everything just clicks. You know that feeling. Your mind is fresh, calls are succinct and effective. Those super productive days feel so good!

I had a day like that on Thursday. Everything I was doing seemed to be going so well. I was in that flow and made some great progress towards the outcomes I want.

It’s fantastic when we have days like that. It reminds us that we can. And it gives us a benchmark to compare with other days. By having less than wonderful days, we can certainly appreciate the brilliant days that much more.

Some of the key ingredients for those super productive days are: a schedule, a positive expectation of outcome, enthusiasm, focus and energy.

Some days can be harder when you don’t have a commute where you can slip into your superhero suit. And if you are able to set your own schedule, it can make it more challenging to maintain it with focused energy.

However, on the days that these things come together, you can make such significant progress, you want to do it again. That’s when the flywheel is set in motion and you get into a positive flow that you continue to build on.

Today was a little more about enjoying the heat and the sunshine. But those things I did do, went very well. I am going to surf this re-found flow for as long as I can now.

CategoriesReframe your thoughtsTime

Interesting But Not Compelling

Do you remember booking that event 6 months ago and now you don’t want to go? It was interesting but not compelling. Interesting is a distraction.

Interesting is candy floss for the mind. It’s mostly nothing but seems to tempt us every time. And yet it’s really just attention grabbing empty calories.

Stay away from interesting. It can be a time waster. Pick the one or two things that set your mind alight and stick with those with blinders on.

Sometimes I find myself reading things that are interesting but really aren’t going to do much for me. I may not learn a lesson, challenge my own thinking or learn things from others who have seen things differently.

In addition, I’ll occasionally engage in a discussion that makes me think because the topic is interesting. Maybe I shouldn’t do that because it takes me away from my compelling activities. But I think it is useful to discover how other people view the world or specific situations.

Some topics are interesting and not compelling. It is up to you how you spend your precious time. Though sometimes you need to consider what Jim Rohn used to say about, ‘not signing up to that course’.

There are an infinite number of things you can learn more about in this world. But make sure you learn efficiently, as often as you can.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

The Best Time In History To Have A Pandemic

There is probably never a good time to have one. But if there had to be one, then this is the best time in history to have a pandemic.

Right now we have the best medicine, knowledge and science. In addition, there are no major wars. The global economy has been pretty healthy and improving for a decade. We can communicate far and wide via the internet with friends and families. School’s have rapidly adapted themselves to online home schooling and some return-to-school social distancing.

Furthermore, we have fewer 70+ aged people on the planet than we will in 20 or 30 years. Given the greater challenges for this age group, with Covid-19, this is another positive for this moment in time.

We also have incredible international, interconnected awareness and collaboration. Even technology is at its best ever. Oddly, however, many countries don’t seem to have a simple or effective track and trace programme in place. Perhaps this concept needs a rebrand. The name may be a barrier to usage. People may not want to be tracked like an animal and traced like a fugitive or DHL package.

Another plus for this era is the longer life expectancy most people have.

So I know it’s not an ideal time to have this happen, because it is in the middle of our moment here. But most generations throughout history have had a far more difficult time, generally. Therefore, like it or not, this is the best time in history to have a pandemic – particularly this one.


The Excitement Of A Hot, Sunny Day

Summertime can be so magical with its long, carefree days and myriad opportunities for spontaneous fun. The excitement of a hot, sunny day can be palpable. This is especially true for kids and those who haven’t lost their youthful enthusiasm.

Creating fond memories of water play, tree climbing and friends laughing are all fabulous ways to while away an ambivalent afternoon or a sunny, summer sizzler.

Sometimes it’s too warm to even want to move. Hopefully there is an occasional, light, cooling breeze to break the heat. Or perhaps you can cool off with a chilled drink or a firm favourite of ours: ice cream!

Roam around the park or sit on a blanket, or the cool grass. Swapping stories about anything and nothing is always great for passing time. It is all of these simple pleasures that we long to capture and relive in the short, dark, cold days of deep midwinter.

When taking exercise it is best to do it early, before the heat. I made sure to get up early this morning and set off by 05:54 on a magical run in Richmond Park. Scarcely a soul in sight, save for those of the young deer having a quiet breakfast on the lower lawn.

I know creating marvellous memories depends on who you are, where you are and what is happening in your life at the moment. However, I hope you have some fond memories of summertime already. Either way, may the excitement of a hot, sunny day inspire you to create something special soon.

CategoriesReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

Thinking Differently Changes Lives

It feels like there is a lot of upheaval and uncertainty in the world at the moment. Remember that thinking differently changes lives, whether it is with respect to Covid, your job or summer holidays.

Day to day life seems to be changing at a rapid pace. The future may, or may not, look different from what we experienced in 2019. But then again, things have been changing your whole life. So change is not really new. But what might be new is having greater uncertainty as to how this change will play out for you.

In our early years, many people have higher certainty due to social norms (school advancement, activities) and signposting by our parents or carers. From teenage years and onwards, we have a slightly lower certainty as we attempt to do things we want to do (apply to universities or jobs, move house, find new friends or a partner).

Often we decide on the change that we would like to happen in our life. But we did not choose this moment in time and the changes it has dealt us. And we do not know where this road leads. But the thinking that got us this far in life, may need some alterations for this next stage of life.

You are the hero of this story. No one else is coming to save you. You have the strength and mental acuity to shift now from uncomfortable to unstoppable. Be one of those joy filled people that believes thinking differently changes lives. Then make the mindset shift and begin the change.


Spend Time With Wonderful People

Time is shorter than we think. I have let time drift by at times, but I do try to make better use of it now. I spend time with wonderful people as much as I can now. I try to schedule them in as much as my schedule allows.

On Thursday morning, I spent that time with my wonderful wife and three wonderful children. We were out of the house by 07:40 and went on an epic walk to, and through, Richmond Park. (Ditto on Friday!)

It was so lovely to spend that time with each of them. We all really enjoyed it. It started at 10C and was gorgeously sunny. The weather continued to get better from there. We chatted with each other about various things while we ran, walked and went up hills and down.

We shared old memories and made new ones. Then we played on a very large fallen tree that had about 15 mid-sized new growth trees growing out of it. Amazing and fascinating.

We saw young deer and old deer. There were very few people out at that time too, which was lovely. No airplanes flying overhead and not many cars on the couple of roads we did have to walk on or near.

You probably have some wonderful people in your life. If you are in lockdown with them, spend some quality time together doing something different. If not, call them, FaceTime, Zoom, Skype etc.

The most enjoyable and memorable part of life is when you spend time with wonderful people.


Do Something Memorable In The Next 24 Hours

It can be crazy and off the wall or simple and subdued. However you decide to express yourself, do something memorable in the next 24 hours.

With all this news about Covid-19, I think there might be a slightly elevated awareness of our own immortality. This could be a good thing.

Every day is a new opportunity to make the path of your life more exciting, more memorable and more meaningful. We have this opportunity every day. Sometimes it is in our minds. However, we do not always start the day with intent to make it memorable.

The day may become memorable by chance. This type of surprise can be wonderful! Though, this method is a little bit hit and miss. What memorable things could you do today? Write a wonderful letter to a loved one? Call someone that you’ve been meaning to call? Attempt to discuss a more challenging topic with someone in your lockdown Group? Or take a fun picture?

There are 100’s of things you could imagine doing, even while respecting lockdown rules. Don’t allow a day to go by without making some aspect of it memorable.

Do something memorable in the next 24 hours and you will have one more thing to put on your favourite memories list. In five years from now, you’ll be glad you did!

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingTime

Focus For The Next 4 Months

One third of the year has come and gone. If you’re like me, lots has happened and lots hasn’t. I have to focus for the next 4 months to catch up on a few things. Amazingly, four months have already zoomed past and it hardly feels like the year really got started.

We’ve had a bit of an interruption on our little planet, of course.

Now that things are settling down a little though, don’t let that interruption be your reason for not achieving your goals. You must take stock of the last four months. Celebrate your successes! Similarly, consider those items not completed.

Assess these incomplete goals and decide if you took on too much, they weren’t realistic or they’re not that important to you. Redouble you’re efforts and focus for the next 4 months, if those goals are still relevant. Be brutal and dismiss them if they are not. They must be a “Heck yes!” or a firm “No”.

I have a lot of interests. Of course, this can make it difficult to say no to various things. However, I must do it. I try to think ahead and consider whether the ‘distraction goals’ will be worth remembering in six or 12 months. Look back on your life and you’ll recognise what important goals look like.

Now is the time to focus for the next 4 months. Pounce on those goals!


Time Pressure Is Good

How amazingly productive would we be if every day at work was like the day before we would go on holiday for two weeks? Time pressure is good!

What about exams? The last few days before an exam can often seem incredibly productive and focused.

There is something about a deadline which gets our attention and focus. For some reason, if there isn’t a deadline, we can putter around and prevaricate a little more than necessary. Not everyone is like this of course. And not everyone has the same deadline challenges.

Some people are structured and methodical at work and ensure projects are progressed well ahead or on schedule. That same person could be the type that nearly misses every plane they are booked on.

I used to be more casual with getting to the airport, but now I like to get there early. There is still the underlying pressure to pack, get in a cab and go. However, I prefer to have that packing pressure three to five days before the flight. It’s not perfect, but I am definitely getting better. Progress is also good.

And getting this daily blog written every day? Well, I’ve been getting better. Without the accountability of time, imagine how we might all drift through the days and years.

Having a time pressure is good.
