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Too Far To Turn Back

Hate is not usually your vibe, but you have let your discontent simmer so long it has now boiled over. In addition, your friends have helped fan the flames of your discontent providing examples to remind you why you should feel fine with these tormented feelings.

Sometimes we can’t stop ourselves from reaching the edge of the abyss. We might then glimpse a different perspective. We might want to adjust our position a little. But will we?

Often we feel we’ve gone too far to turn back. We’re now travelling with what were like minded people. To adjust our course we may have to go our separate way. And that can be lonely. And, possibly worse, we could take a lot of heat from our former travelling tribe.

Yet, if you don’t adjust or turn now, you’ll be so far off your own moral compass and value system that you might even start to agitate against yourself.

Best to put a stop to the charade now. Begin to live with the right path and not the wrong people. Before it’s too late.