CategoriesGratitudeObserveThink About It

You Can Only Appreciate Your Own Reality

It can be very hard to feel what another person is feeling in the moment. Even if you have gone through the same or similar experience, the lense you look through from all your life experience will be different.

We try to notice one or two key elements and think we are same same. But there are millions of other factors that can enhance or deepen the experience for one person compared to another.

Thanks AC.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Go For The Unique Experience

We always have choices. Sometimes we feel we don’t because we don’t like one of the options. However, dislike of an option does not mean it isn’t one.

One way to shake up your life a little, and develop a curiosity habit, is to frequently choose the unique or new experience.

This can be as simple as taking a slightly different route home from work or the shops, or watching something you wouldn’t normally watch on TV.

You could speak to one of your lesser known colleagues or call a family member or friend to shoot the breeze for 5 minutes.

Sometimes it will be fun, or it will disappoint, but keep being curious. There is a whole world out there to explore and not much time to do it.

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughts

I Am Unique

There are about 7,800,000,000 people on planet Earth at this time. So many people and yet I am unique. I have differences to others. Although I have similarities to other people, when you consider all of my physical characteristics and my vast realm of thoughts, on the whole, I am unique.

You are unique too. It seems everyone has a different DNA, even if ever so slightly. People have a different set of fingerprints too. There are also all the different experiences we have had and the different thoughts, interpretations and perspectives that brings.

At the top of the pyramid we are all the exact same. We are all humans. So none of us are different from the top level perspective. We are all absolutely the same in that regard. Now sometimes people use their senses to play spot the difference. So a dividing of the humans begins.

Many groups are formed, theoretically, by age, sex, height, eye colour, hair colour, skin colour, religion, education, birth place, geography, political views, wealth, career, and relationships. This only covers a tiny portion of the ways we can split ourselves into unique groups and divide ourselves.

If you continue to split yourself into sub groups, however, you will conclude that you are absolutely unique. There is no group of people who are exactly like you in it.

So say it with me. I am unique.