CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

Level Up

If things aren’t quite how you want them, it may be you that needs to level up.

You just need to learn to play at this new level.

Personal growth is often painful but ultimately worth it.

CategoriesActionGratitudeProgressReframe your thoughts

Help People Up, Don’t Tear People Down

Focusing on negative aspects and the 2% of people that cause harm rather than the 98% that are neutral, or lift people up, is crazy.

There is no need to tear people down, call them names, or become hostile. They may have a different life philosophy to you, see things a bit differently to you based on their experiences in life or have a different political preference, but that is ok.

Live and let live. They have come by their views just as you have come by yours. For all but a few radical outliers, we can still get along despite our different perceptions.

And it’s a lot easier to get along if people haven’t called you names, shunned you or left you in fear for your health.

You don’t have to become a cheerleader, but please be decent in your discussions.

CategoriesActionFinancialProgressPropertyThink About It

Wake Up!

Are you financially fit? Are you hoping, dreaming, avoiding or planning, when it comes to your financial future?

You’ll probably end up broke if you hope, dream or avoid. And if you plan, have you stress tested it with challenges and been accurate with your current, realistic course?

You can do more than you think, so start imagining and planning. Yes you need effort and sometimes it will be hard, uncomfortable or even frustrating. But it’s better to have those challenges in your 20’s to 50’s than your 60’s and up.

It can feel hard, uncertain and confusing to get started organising your finances. But if you don’t, you could end up broke or in an undesirable (non) retirement situation.

Yet, if you start now, you can take control of your future, learn some basics and have a wonderful retirement, while still passing on a solid inheritance to the kids or your favourite charity.

Start today! It’s time to wake up! Do it yourself or get in touch and I can give you some pointers. Regardless, pay attention and set up your life to win! I’m cheering for you. ✅

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

Little Steps Add Up

Don’t try to leap from £0 to £10m in 5 minutes. Take some little steps. Get to £1 and then to £5 and £10. From there you can aim for £20, £50, £100, £200, £400, and £1,000.

As you go you will become more confident and you will be creating success. You should celebrate each win and step. You will look out for greater opportunities and build your habits into strengths that can work at small and large levels. This is where the magic is.

If you can be successful with the small steps and smaller amounts, you can be successful with the bigger steps and bigger amounts. If not, you will likely fail at both levels.

So make sure you can do the basics well first. Then you can scale. Go one little step at a time.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Keep Your Chin Up

Life is going to knock you back. It will hit you harder than you expect. And you are likely to notice when you are least expecting it.

Regardless of the challenge ahead, keep your chin up. Be confident. Smile. Laugh in the face of adversity. You’ve made it though everything in life so far. You will get through so much more.

The hardest part can be to not lose your head when it could be so easy to. Be mindful of where your thoughts are leading. Green lights are good. Amber is a warning to adjust now. Red is a concern and the energy needs to be redirected.

The greatest skill you’ll ever learn is how to keep your chin up. Practice today.