CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughts

Happy With Your Default Lens?

When we are conscious, we can choose to look at the world from different angles and through several different lenses. Are you happy with your default lens?

Usually we have a preferred, or default, lens that we see the world through. This lens can energise us, depress us, frustrate or inspire. It can help us to be hopeful, critical, cynical, fearful or resilient.

The wild thing about this lens is that, just like with a pair of glasses, you can change it. With a different prescription you will see things better or worse.

With the best lenses you can see with greater clarity, less effort and more enjoyment. If your glasses aren’t well prescribed, life can seem fuzzy, take more effort and you may have more headaches and frustration.

With the right lenses you can focus on the good in everyone. You can accept the imperfections and be grateful for seeing people strive to make life better. You might even be able to see what others are trying to do rather than project diabolical assumptions onto them.

Most people want a better life for themselves, their loved ones and the world. Usually it is in that order. They may see a different route than you to achieve that. Encourage people while they improve rather than try to destroy them because you think you could live their life better.

Are you happy with your default lens?
