
Christmas Eve In One Week

Are you ready? Tree up, gifts bought, decorations throughout? Time to get moving if not. You’ve got seven days…..

CategoriesGratitudeThink About It

Favourite Day Of The Week

Do you have one? It might reveal a lot about you.

Monday might mean you love your job or business. Sunday could indicate you love rest, sport or family time. Thursday could mean you love that you’re nearly done the week and can begin to relax with an evening out.

Think about the day that currently brings the most joy. Consider what it means in your life.

Then revel in it.

CategoriesActionThink About It

Your Free Week

If you could have an entirely free week, with no commitments, responsibilities or costs and no prep before, or catch up after, what would you do with it?

How would you spend those seven days? Would you go somewhere you’ve never been or somewhere familiar? Are you thinking you would spend it alone or with someone special or a group of people?

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

This Odd Week Begins

Having New Year’s Eve on a Friday night this year means there is a whole work week available between Christmas and New Year. For people wanting the whole time off, they need to book off 4.5 days in many cases. For some, this is the busiest week of the year. Party organisers come to mind as do M&A bankers and lawyers trying to complete deals in 2021.

For others it is quite a quiet week in the office. Some people love this time as it is fairly easy to work through. It might give people some extra slack to tidy up files or organise their workflow better. It can be a great week to take stock of things.

One thing to do is to think about and plan your 2022. This year really go for it! Perhaps my book will help you achieve anything you want. If you would like additional support get in touch via DM’s on Instagram, LinkedIn or email me at

CategoriesActionObserveThink About ItTime

A Crazy Busy Week

Ever had one of those? I am sure you have. Trying to jam in so many things. Some were booked, some were not. Regardless, a crazy busy week was had.

Many people will start out with a good plan. Well paced workloads will have a certain set of expectations around them. We might even add in some contingency time for unexpected items that pop up onto our radar. Despite all that good planning, sometimes things go south. Or great opportunities arise.

Either way, we can find ourselves up against the clock and burning the candle at both ends. Not the best situation but sometimes you just have to make hay while the sun shines. (I couldn’t resist an old farming reference).

How do you deal with a week like that? Do you re-book meetings, delegate workloads, drop things or recalibrate the priority list? Perhaps you do something completely different. Let me know in the comments below as I am genuinely interested in hearing the myriad ways that different people navigate a busy week.

I think I did a combination of all of the above. In addition, some things were simply forgotten in the mad rush. It is not ideal but sometimes life is just like that.

Hopefully next week is not such a crazy busy week.