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Allow Two Weeks

Getting things done, that involves more than one person, often takes longer than you think. So always allow two weeks in your plan if you want to meet a certain deadline.

Apply this rule and you should usually find yourself ahead of the game.

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Not All Weeks Are Created Equal

You would think they were created equal. Perhaps they are. When you open the calendar they all look the same. All 52 weeks look identical.

But then we put meaning to some. The week with Thanksgiving in it, Christmas, Easter, your birthday, kids birthdays and school holidays.

We add in all the hope-filled weeks. The ones where we expect to find happiness, joy, love, family, community and success.

Then there are those other weeks. The one before you go on holiday, the one with the passing of a loved one, those with challenge, strife or heartache.

Perhaps weeks are born equal. But then we create stories around them which give them colour and emotion. So once they’ve been through some life, they are no longer equal. They are different.

Some better. Some worse. But they all make the rich tapestry of life. Savour each one, for they are all that we have.
