CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Best For Who?

The greatest good. That is a great phrase.

Listening to some politicians and journalists, you might think they only want what is best for themselves or the party / media outlet they work for.

What happened to the greatest good? Was it ever there even?

Ideally we would have people working for the greatest good of the most people while allowing any others to still thrive.

Unfortunately we have a lot of, “my way is the only way” thinking and actions which demonstrate some people would rather destroy others than lose power or adjust philosophically to accommodate more people.

When this happens, two tribes go to war. If you’re at all in a warring camp, blinded by fear, hate, distrust and disproportionate criticism, then try to pull out of this before it goes any further.

It is often hard to see our own destructiveness and personal challenges, but look inward, and see how you can help balance conversations and act for the greatest good.

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Who Decided To Call Green Green?

Who created the word? Does someone get credit for it? Why did they call it ‘green’ and not ‘purple’, ‘cinade’ or ‘basketball?’

Why did someone choose these 26 letters? Or earlier letters than these? The creation and selection of these letters, words, sounds and phrases seems so strange.

They seem rather random. But also completely normal now that I am so used to them. They are the code and key to everything.

Pay attention to the words you use. They mean far more than you think.

CategoriesActionThink About It

Who Decides?

Someone always gets to decide. A judge, jury, media, influencer, criminal, teacher, professional, tradesman, client or child. The list continues.

The key is to try to make as many of your own decisions as possible. Stay healthy, so doctors don’t have to make decisions for you. Stay in safe areas so the criminals don’t get to decide how your life goes.

Same with staying out of trouble with police, make good decisions for you so the authorities don’t get to make decisions that affect your life.

Sometimes some person will decide you’re an -ist or -phobic. It could be accurate but may not be. They could use 1 data point out of 300. That may be enough for them and their standard.

People’s opinion can wield incredible power. Please use your power well. With great power comes great responsibility. Your decision to use certain words can have a similar impact as an executioner’s sword.

Deciding to destroy a person and their family, first by reputation, then it hits financially and finally physically, is not something to take lightly or in a casual conversation.

Who decides often depends on the circumstances. Be kind.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveThink About It

Sometimes It Is Who And Not What

Who says someone can be more important than what is said? It seems a little odd to me but it happens. Sometimes it is who and not what that makes all the difference.

Do you remember your parents telling you something and you didn’t believe them. Maybe it was when you were a teenager. Or perhaps you were in your 40’s. They said X and you did Y.

Having your own children is the cosmic giggle from the universe. Now the shoe is on the other foot. You will be imparting brilliant, relevant and fascinating advice, or information, and it will fall on disinterested ears.

However, a friend of theirs will say the same thing and it will be all high fives and wow. If you’re nodding to this, remember you did/do the same thing to your parents. You may dismiss your parents as being from a bygone era. In doing so, try not to dismiss the pertinent advice they are giving for your benefit. Listen carefully.

If your best mate told you the same thing, then do it when your parents mention it. And give your friends due time while considering their view. Oftentimes friends can dismiss a point of view because they think their friend has no idea. However, an expert in the field might say the same thing and you will quote them all day long.

Sometimes it is who and not what.
