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Find Out Why

You can make assumptions, guess or shrug your shoulders, or you can simply find out why. Ask the questions. Listen to the answers. It sounds so simple. Because it is.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

Why Versus Impact

Have you ever done something for one reason and then found that the impact was not what you wanted?

An example could be telling someone that you aren’t fond of their outfit, and they should change it, and they get angry at you.

You may have said that to protect them from going out in what you thought wasn’t very flattering for them. However, they may not have appreciated it because it’s their favourite, they like the style, it was a gift or some other reason.

Another example is if you drive a little faster in your car and then get flagged for speeding. You may have a good reason why you were speeding, but it rarely warrants being stopped to be ticketed or the cost of the ticket.

When taking action, having a good why is a great start. However, become aware of the intended and the unintended consequences before you go ahead.

Often the idea of the unintended consequences will shift your thinking. That may be better for everyone.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

Why Does This Matter?

When having a discussion, watching someone or hearing a speech, ask yourself, “Why does this matter?”.

Not to the world, but to you. Why is it having an impact on you? What emotion or feeling is it stirring up inside you? Take some time to consider 5 or 6 reasons why this is important for you. It can really reveal some useful information about yourself.

Why does this matter? You’d be surprised.
