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Winning Without Knowing The Prize

Some people will cheer when they hear news they like. They may think that they themselves, their team or group is winning. And winning feels good. We can feel confident, righteous, vindicated or correct.

However, sometimes the win happens without people realising the prize for winning.

Passing your army physical feels like a great win. Though now you’ve got to put your life on the line. Winning the promotion over others can feel wonderful. However, now you must work harder and for longer hours. Although there is more pay, you earn less on an hourly basis.

Winning sometimes means getting to do more exciting and beneficial stuff but it can also require more sacrifice.

If you draw the short straw, you win. But it is hardly ever the short straw that you want to win.

CategoriesThink About It

Winning Is Contagious

Unfortunately, so is losing.

Remember that the five people you spend your most time with, heavily impact what your life looks like.

Make sure you are hanging around positive people with skills equal to, better than, or complimentary to, your skills. Make sure their attitude is worth catching also.

Make sure you hang out more with people that are winning. It will change your life.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTimeWeightWeight loss

Set Up Your Life To Win

What one thing could you do differently, starting today, that could make a nice difference in your life?

What could you eliminate from your day? Or what could you adjust to make the outcome you want more likely?

Don’t buy sugary or salty snacks or treats and keep them in the house. Keep cherry tomatoes and hummus instead. When you think you are hungry, pour a cool glass of water. Set your morning wake up bell to 15 minutes earlier and then get up and do 30 push ups and sit ups.

Get things ready now or in the evening before bed so it is easier to make the changes happen tomorrow.

Each time you set up your environment to win, your future self smiles and remembers how clever you are. That’s a nice feeling.

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveThink About It

Being The Very Best Matters

Or does it? It seems to me that it’s mostly big names that are featured in mainstream media articles and interviews. Being the very best matters, or at least that is the signal we send to our kids and everyone else.

I love reading about successful people. It’s always been an interest of mine. Discovering how people got to where they are and what adversity they had to overcome make the stories interesting.

And it is great to see the top people in the world. These people can inspire us, teach us and be great role models. Their success can rouse each new generation to ever greater achievements.

Though at what cost? Being the best and better than others is a worthy target. Though winning by nefarious means such as illegal drugs or other cheating methods is not acceptable. And the pressure to excel at younger ages, for longer periods, with higher risk of mental or physical strain may not serve our youth in the best way.

Is winning the gold or being the wealthiest, youngest, smartest person the only admirable aspect of life? Perhaps we could put more focus on the grind, the grit, the process or journey along the way.

We can learn a lot from everyday people. Many put in the same grind and process, albeit their outcome may not be at the top.

Being the very best matters. Or does it?

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughts

Winning Is Everything

Winning is often seen as the ultimate goal. To win something can show competence or dominance. When winning is everything, you can go a little mad.

It is amazing how we, as people, can get caught up in winning. There is a lot wrapped up in its significance. Victory is particularly important when your life is on the line. In days gone buy, triumph in a duel, or a shootout at high noon, often meant the difference between life and death.

If you have to fight til the death, there is so much more on the line. Think of military battles where people were killed on the field of battle or became a prisoner and suffered torturous conditions until they succumbed. Or consider losing in court, in the thousands of years before now, when death was often the prescribed result. The stories of Socrates, Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette and Anne Boleyn come to mind.

Fewer contests or situations exist today where winning is so important and losing could be fatal. However, sometimes, some people act as if victory is the only acceptable result. And because of that, they put winning ahead of fair play, sportsmanship and the rules. Cyclist Lance Armstrong and sprinter Ben Johnson come to mind.

Have you ever wanted to win, or support the winner, so desperately that you would even accept a little cheating? Think back to taking a test, playing or watching sports, an election or referendum.

Sometimes you go mad and winning is everything.

CategoriesFinancialGratitudeThink About It

Winning £1 million

It has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? Most people would be pretty pleased with that sum of money. Winning £1 million seems to be the magic number for a lot of people.

Songs have been written about having a million dollars. People talk about how life would be different if they could just, ‘win a million’. And many people have dreamt about what they would do if they had a million dollars, pounds or euros show up in their life unexpectedly.

Although today £1 million wouldn’t put you in the exclusive group it would have in 1970, it is still an exciting amount of money to most people. Even for someone who has a net worth of £30 million (i.e. assets less liabilities), this amount would probably be warmly received. This is in part because those assets might produce £3 million in income. So an extra 33% more would likely be welcome.

What would you do if you had £1 million turn up in your bank account? Whether it was from an inheritance (long lost Auntie?), a lottery ticket or some fascinating philanthropist doing things differently.

Wouldn’t winning £1 million be an exciting thing? Would you do something exciting and novel? Or something sensible and pragmatic? Perhaps you would do a little of both.

Well, I hope you get to find out sometime soon!
