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Celebrate Your Wins

Got to the gym today? Celebrate ????

Kept to your diet? Celebrate ????

Completed the third big step in your project? Celebrate ????

What does Celebrate mean though? Well it can mean many things. It could mean you get 20 minutes outside walking in the sun. You could meet a friend for a coffee for 30 minutes. You could buy yourself a ticket to the latest film you’ve been wanting to see. Another option would be to have a relaxing bath this evening before bed.

The celebration will be dependent on you and what you value. Try to keep most celebrations to a low or no cost budget. That way you can have far more win celebrations which will help drive your motivation and delivery of outcomes.

As you plan ever greater milestones and goals, you can up the stakes for the final celebrations. Do keep them within your budget though.

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Celebrate Your Wins!!!

An essential part of life is enjoying it. And you can create a lot of momentum if you celebrate little and large wins. So make sure you book in little celebrations after every milestone.

Celebrations can be in the form of high fives, fist pumps, a little dance, or a favourite food or drink. For slightly larger wins, book a walk, lunch or dinner. Big wins might attract bigger events like a cruise, vacation, weekend away or special purchase. It might even be as simple as spending special time with someone you have had to miss seeing while you have been achieving your goals.

This is easy to overlook or see as being just silly or frivolous. But it will make your life more joy-filled. Don’t always wait for just the big win at the end of the year or decade. Some people wait their whole life before they can smile and truly enjoy where they are and the success they’ve been creating. My suggestion though is to not wait.

Celebrate, proportionally, as much as you can! It feels good and is quite motivational. It also reinvigorates you.

Celebrate is step seven in my forthcoming book – Achieve Anything – The 7 Simple Steps to Shift from Uncomfortable to Unstoppable. Be sure you include frequent, but proportional, celebrations for every perceived win. Mix it up. Do some free and paid-for ones. You will be so grateful you did this step a lot. It really makes your life more enjoyable. Build your confidence and happy factor. Celebrate your wins!!!
