
See The World

Don’t just read about it in a book, watch on tv or scroll Instagram. Make a plan to save the money and visit one or two exciting things.

For some the hurdle will be time. For others it will be money or fitness/health.

But if you can get past these hurdles, you’ll create everlasting memories.

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The World Is Shifting

There are big changes happening and also little ones. Open your eyes and see. Left moves right and right moves left. The world will remain in balance as it always does.

Sometimes it’s concerning for one group of people while others seem to excel. Eventually though things shift back the other way.

Occasionally it takes longer for the pendulum to swing back, but it always does.

Don’t try to push things too far one way or the other because you’ll really feel the whiplash SnapBack. There are lots of examples in history and probably plenty you can think of from your own experience too.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessThink About It

Fabulous World Cup Finale

What a match!! Edge of the seat, nail-biting stuff. It’s never over till it’s over. It was arguably the best World Cup final match we’ll ever see.

Congratulations to Argentina. And very well done to France. An enthralling match between two of today’s best teams and players in the world.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

What If You Ruled The World?

Would you be a benign dictator? What demands would you have on others? How would you change things, if at all?

We all like to think we would be just and fair. But often people think they would rule on everything too. Though you wouldn’t have time to gather all the facts of every situation of all 8 billion people.

The world is fairly self-correcting. It isn’t perfect but it is pretty good. You may not get things your way all the time but perhaps that is a good thing.

What one thing, rule, law, situation, etc would you change, enforce or improve?

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The World Is Your Oyster

There are so many opportunities in this world. And if you have a phone and access to the internet, you are on your way.

You can learn anything, become skilled in anything and achieve anything.

You can connect with anyone more easily than ever before. You can build businesses with that phone. No huge capital requirement either.

If you’re mildly interested in becoming successful, there has never been a better time for you to try. Give people what they want or need and the world is your oyster.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveThink About ItTime

The World Is Amazing

Without context this might seem a bold statement to some. However, with historical data one can see the world is amazing and getting better.

Why you might not believe this could be for many reasons. It doesn’t make it less so though. It is certainly how I see the world. There are a lot fewer bad things happening than 100, 500 or 5,000 years ago. In addition, we can see quite a few good things in this era that didn’t exist previously or weren’t as good.

With this is mind, I have been wanting to read Factfulness by Hans Rosling for several years. I received it for my birthday last week and thought I would read a few pages today to see what it was like. Wow! I am really enjoying it.

It is loaded with facts, psychology and ideas. That is my kind of book. It was so easy to read a few pages quickly as it makes sense and I already believe it so there is no convincing needed. Nor is there any rebuttal of the ideas or data as I am already on that same page. In addition, it is great to have it as a reference book with all the data, graphs and charts.

The world is amazing and it keeps on getting better. It is not perfect, and it is unlikely to ever be so. But, it is so much better than 20 years ago, let alone 200.

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Making The World Better

It is quite simple but often made more complex than it needs to be. There are two big challenges to making the world better. First, you need to pinpoint what better means. Secondly, you need to define the scope of the world.

The easy answer to those challenges, for many people, is to make things better from their own perspective and do it everywhere they are aware of. Awareness usually radiates out from their family, friends and relatives to work colleagues and people they interact with daily. Though, when pressed, they may think in terms of their city, country or continent and then all the people of the world, including fishermen on remote pacific islands.

This is where it can become more complex. When people try to make things better for people who are an afterthought or they know very little about. What would better mean? Could it be better health or lifestyle? Would more time with their family be better?

There are a lot of people who try to improve everyone and everywhere else. What if the answer was staring them in the mirror? Perhaps it is as simple as improving our own lives, within the context of making the world better.

If we used less resources and we were kinder, more understanding and accepting of diverse or dissimilar viewpoints, could the world become better through unintended consequences and the ripple effect?