Not as easy as you think.
Talk Less
What You’d Like And What Is Likely
Of course you would like to win the lottery. However, with odds north of 45 million to one, it is not very likely.
In some cases it’s mathematical and in other cases it’s karma, the law of attraction or balance in the universe.
The harder you push to get what you’d like rather than what is likely, the more probable you will fail.
Do Something Memorable
Life is marked by moments.
I can remember distinct times in my life based on where I lived, the school I attended, my work place, trips I took and people I spent time with.
So do something memorable to mark occasions. Whether you are having a birthday, graduation, starting a new job, got great exam results or met your future spouse, you should celebrate by doing something memorable.
In Your Element
What a great feeling to have; being in your element. Working on something that brings you great joy and satisfaction is a tremendous bonus in life.
It is a lot easier to excel at something if you completely enjoy doing it. In addition, you can continue to make great improvements in that space when you smile all day at work.
Find things that delight you and immerse yourself into them.
I had that feeling today and I’m still buzzing from it. Hang on to it. Stay in that zone. Great things will come when you’re where you should be.
Every Step. Every Word.
They all matter. You may never know how or when they mattered, but they will matter.
Use them both wisely.
Clear The Air
Have that conversation you think you need. Do not try to mind read. Go have what could be a tough conversation. Then everyone can relax and feel better.
Talking Is Very Important
Talking and listening are foundational skills for anything, especially relationships.
So practice and improve your skills every day.
Select better words to use in your daily communications. Eliminate filler words like uhm and er. You can also rid yourself of words that aren’t helpful such as like, literally and basically.
Be Calm
In ten years you’ll never even remember what you got so agitated for. Take a few deep breaths and carry on with your day. Your future self will thank you.
Nip Things In The Bud
When a problem starts to blossom, nip it in the bud. Try not to let things grow or get out of control.
Like a gardener, tend to the garden. Pull the weeds. Water the plants. Do this all early, before the weeds choke off the good things.