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Accept People’s Help

Often we say, ”No, thank you”, when offered help. For many this has simply become the habitual response. I’m suggesting we pause and consider that helping hand.

Perhaps it will lighten the load, reduce the cost, save time or simply make the task more enjoyable.

For the helper, this might help them feel useful in a world where they no longer feel they are. Perhaps they aren’t working, kids are grown up or they are no longer with their partner. Offering to help might be there best option to maintain their social circle.

Next time someone offers to help, accept it graciously. It might feel very good for both of you.

PS Great news!!! My book is at #6 on the Bestseller list on Amazon UK under Self-help. Make use of these last 24 hours and get your FREE ebook on Amazon, Barnes&Noble and !ndigo. Offer ends midnight Monday (UK time). For those of you who would like to help it get to #1 on Monday, please do tell your friends and family and colleagues. To make it easy you can share this link to the ebook on Amazon


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