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In Search Of Better

I find myself thinking this way quite often. I tend to think of what could be better or how I could make something better. Has this always been my way? I am not sure. But I think it has, at least for somethings.

At school I wanted to get better grades, so I worked at that. In sports I strived to be better than I was, either in skill, stamina or execution. So I trained more, paid closer attention and made refinements.

It has probably become part of my regular thought process. It is exciting to make improvements, either your own, or in ways to help others. In our property business, we look out for houses that could be improved and provide a better home for people.

We also need to remember to celebrate these successes and improvements. Be grateful for them. Be careful you don’t become someone who is never satisfied. But also, don’t stop improving, especially if you are capable of more. Go forward in search of better.


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