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Get Organised

Have you ever been unprepared for an event? Some events happen every year. At the same time! Get organised and get your systems in place.

There have been occasions when I am not as prepared for a day as I feel I should be or could be. Let’s say it is a calendar event like a birthday, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Christmas, taxes, school terms, etc.

We all know that these things are coming. In fact, we know as soon as one finishes that we have 10 months to prepare for the next one. Which gives us two months to execute exceptionally well. In theory.

And if you really think about it, you have years to prepare for all the annual events. Given they always happen on the same day, it is pretty predictable when Christmas Day will be 37 years from now. And taxes that year will likely be due on the same day that year as it is this year.

There really should be no surprises. I’m telling you this as much as I am reminding myself. And the preparation for each event is usually going to be the same. Allow time to get the tax documents together and go through them with your accountant. Do them now at the beginning of the period rather than scrambling at the end. It will even take less time to do it now.

Get organised.


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