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We’re Heading Somewhere

We all are. We are going collectively and individually. Sometimes we know the people on our path and sometimes not. We’re heading somewhere and it is a good idea to figure out where that is.

It can be a bit unnerving to look into the future, especially if you tend to the pessimistic, dramatic or fearful side of things. If you are more of an optimist, it won‘t feel so challenging. You’ll assume that most of the data is going in the right direction. Also, given we are moving away from a difficult past and moving toward a more ideal future, things will inevitably get better over time.

We’re heading toward a better future for those that want to be there. However, if you are prone to the negative, complain-laden or critical, you won’t see how good you have it. Nor will you notice how incredible things are becoming.

Look at basic education becoming available to more and more people everyday. Access to the internet continues to grow at an incredible speed. This is important because that is where all the world’s knowledge and connections are found. Podcasts are booming. Personal development is booming. Thoughtful discussion and rapid problem solving is also developing quickly.

The World is improving and progressing quicker than at any other time in history.

We’re heading somewhere.


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