CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsTime

Plan Your Calendar

Aim to get three big things done each day. Build these three things into your calendar. Actually assess the amount of time it will take to do the thing. Then book that amount of time in your calendar, including timed breaks.

Then when that time comes up, do the thing you’re supposed to do, exclusively. Do not multi-task. Do not answer calls or look at notifications. Just get the work done so you never have to do it again.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

Close Loops

Each time we start something we are best to finish it or cancel it. We need to close the open loop.

You see, when you start a conversation, a project, a task or even an idea in your head, you open a loop. Your mind will keep coming back to this loop until it is closed in some way – completed, cancelled, accepted.

This revisiting of these open loops can drain you of energy and decision making power. That is not good. It leaves less energy for current important things. So every time you can, Close an open loop. You’ll feel lighter and be more effective.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Do Something Nice For Someone

Phone a friend. Help someone cross the street. Help lift a baby carriage or pram. Fill a car with petrol. Give a compliment. Send them a message or write them a card. Send flowers.

It doesn’t need to cost anything or much but it could mean the world to that person. Practice kindness every day.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Have Some Fun

Keep it simple. It doesn’t have to cost much. Go to the park to fly a kite, swim in a lake or watch the birds. A local walk, some comedy on tv, or a chat with your favourite person could all be lots of fun. Enjoy it while you can!

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughts

You’ll Need Other’s Help As Long As You Don’t Really Want To Change

Once you’ve made a decision, with a clear commitment to change, you will do it. It’s easier if you have a clear target and a path to get there and beyond.

Then you no longer need to read up on it, have people help you or go on courses. Your determination will be a very powerful force.

You may still want some help to maintain your discipline but it will be help, not a crutch.

Make the decision. Commit. Win!

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

What We Say About Others

We tell people what is important for us about the other person. We do not describe the other person in an unbiased way. We describe them based on our bias and what we want to convey.

So when news reports come out, be sceptical about why the reporter is using those words and in that order. What picture are they painting and why?

When a friend describes another friend, where are they positioning them in your mind?

If you liked Margaret Thatcher, you might describe her as a strong woman, the Iron Lady, who rose from humble beginnings, with a common background, to the halls of power. If you were less of a fan you might just say she was anti-union and destroyed coal mining in the UK.

Both are descriptions that people could use about the same person. So we don’t simply describe the other person, we describe the characteristics that we want to highlight about the other person. So why did we choose those specific highlights?

CategoriesActionFinancialReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

Tidy Up Your Financial Affairs

Have you got anything outstanding? Is there an invoice you should have sent? Or perhaps some taxes that are due to be filed? Maybe you have an insurance claim or credit cards to attend to.

Whatever it is, it will take longer than you think to do and won’t get done until you sit there for several hours and sort it out. Don’t let it keep drifting along. Complete the work today!