CategoriesActionThink About It

Don’t Let The Referee Decide The Result

I like this as a life lesson for all circumstances. I use it with my kids often. In the context of sport, don’t let the referee decide the result, means play so well that a few unfavourable calls won’t matter.

As a rugby coach of 13 year old boys, I have occasionally heard players, from both sides, comment on the reffing standard in a match. These types of comments can sometimes come from adults too when they are playing or watching sport.

My simple response to people is to play better and play harder. Outwork and outthink your opponent. Score many more points than the other team. Then, if a few calls don’t go your way, it won’t matter.

Play so well in every aspect of life that the ‘referee’ that observes your performance can only reward you with a win. Yes, it means practicing more and playing at a higher level at all times. That is fine, because excellence is a worthy habit to strive toward anyway.

Whether it is at work, in a relationship, driving your car, parking or paying bills, etc., don’t let things get so close that a third party can impact the outcome.

Train with enthusiasm and harder than you would play in a game. Then play the game so well that you win convincingly. Don’t let the referee decide the result.

CategoriesObserveThink About ItTime

Where Do We Go From Here?

I had a wonderful conversation with my 11 year old son Thursday night. ‘Where do we go from here?’, seemed to be the overriding theme.

It started after hearing a Patrick Bet-David video where he was saying he wouldn’t allow any excuse to stop him from succeeding. After discussing his words, and our view of his intent, we moved on to the current situation with the statues. After discussing many of the different positions people hold on this topic, we ended it wondering where things will go next.

From there we landed on the subject of Buddhism and the after life possibilities. Where do we go from here, if anywhere? We covered the ‘dead is dead and nothing happens’ perspective. The Heaven and Hell option was then considered. Then we went back to the Buddhist views and wandered around reincarnation for a bit.

Although he would love to know what’s next, he assured me he is not in a hurry to find out.

I left him with the following suggestions while he considers the many different points of view on the subject. Live the longest, happiest, most enjoyable life you can, just in case dead means dead.

Also, be kind to others and generally be good while doing all that enjoyment. Not only is it the right thing to do, it is good karma and should keep him out of the too hot to handle place should that be one of two possible destinations.

Finally, that good karma might help a little should reincarnation be the next level in this video game.

Wherever we go on any of the topics we covered, it is sure to be a fascinating ride.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts

Spend Today Only Saying Good Things

Are you a cynic? Are you adept at finding the problems with things? My challenge to you is to consciously spend today only saying good things.

You may not want to read your favourite paper today. It might make the challenge easier. Frequently news outlets and social media will highlight the negative, so you wouldn’t want to get primed by that in the morning.

Each time you go to speak today, check your intent and the sentiment you were about to express. When your spouse speaks, or your child, parent, friend or coworker, pause and be sure to frame your comment in the positive.

You could try using one of the following: ‘I appreciate that observation’ or ‘How kind of you to notice’ or ‘You’re looking very fine this morning’. In addition, you could make up some good comments yourself and use those.

If you spend today only saying good things, you will create a ripple effect in the universe. Some of those good words will help others feel positive and say good things to more people. This will spread out and more people will feel good and encouraged.

Wouldn’t that be nice.

What will you do with this knowledge and power you possess? Do you really want to make a difference in the world? It’s something so simple to start with and is within your control.

Go ahead, make their day!


Timing Is Everything

Every minute of life is like a slowly changing, large combination lock. Timing is everything. You need to get the right numbers, in the correct sequence, at the right time.

In life’s combination lock, the correct code keeps changing, similar to the Enigma machine. Even if you get the correct numbers and right sequence, if the timing is off, you don’t get to unlock the rewards.

Although, if you start paying attention to the people that have deciphered the code, and you follow it, your likelihood of success will be greatly magnified.

Timing is everything. I am sure you can relate. Maybe you have arrived at a shop as they were locking the doors, or snuck into your classroom just before the teacher turned to face the class.

There seems to be good and bad timing, but it is simply timing, nonetheless. The universe is indiscriminate.

Do your best to be your best as often as you can. Life can be a real numbers game. You never know when all the stars will be aligned and you will hit the jackpot.

Just make sure you are in the game, doing your best and learning to do better. The more you practice the more fortunate you will become.


All The Information Exists Already

We can read about success. We can read about failure. All the information exists already and can be quickly and easily found.

I have found this information in books, videos, movies and magazines. You can also hear about it on podcasts and watch it on YouTube.

It is truly amazing what life changing information, tips, philosophies, examples and opportunities you can find if you simply start looking.

Now it helps if you can look with your eyes open and can ask good questions. With Google, you’re first question can even be mediocre. However, by your third search, you could have found what you originally wanted. Often times, I will even find things that were better than what I started looking for.

It helps to have access to the internet or a library. It’s free to get a library card. And once there, you can read books, borrow them (physical, online or In audio format) and in many you can access the internet for free.

It’s up to you to decide what you tune into though.

For example, if you watch scary movies and have nightmares, perhaps you should stop watching scary movies. Assess whether the content you’re consuming is making you a stronger, better person or not.

If you spend your time consuming media, social media and friends’ chats, you may find your opportunities diminishing. It might be fun or distracting, but you’re unlikely to be getting closer to the real results you want.

All the information exists already to get you on the road to your dreams. You just have to go find it and use it. With that knowledge and a little effort, you can achieve anything.

Go change your life now!

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts

Get The Basics Done First

It is so easy to put things off till later. We try to instil in the kids to get the basics done first. Once these basics are done, then the free time can begin.

The basics might mean schoolwork, homework, tidying up, cleaning up, chores, calls to family, fixing stuff, reading and other things. I find kids are sometimes fine with jumping over the basics and getting straight to the fun stuff.

Kids can be happy with skipping the chores and then later they will think nothing of requesting ice cream or a movie. I have to say though, a lot of times adults are the same. I can relate to this as sometimes I see through the work to the rewards too quickly.

Of course this is all contextual as well. If this is the fifth day in a row of getting the work done, the urge for an ice cream or a movie break may be stronger. Some might say overwhelming.

If you get the basics done first though, it can feel good and even save you more time later.

Remove as much stuff from your life as you can. Each day, try to reduce what you have or have going on in your life. It makes it easier to focus on those key items that will make a difference in your life.

Then you will get those key items done faster and easier and you’ll get to the fun bits quicker. Book a 30 minute ‘quick clear’ today. Get moving!


Where Do You Get Your Greatest Joy?

This can be a tough question to answer. Though for others, ‘Where do you get your greatest joy?’ is very easy to answer. Either way, it’s a great time to get the answer(s) clear in your head. Your life depends on it.

There are several different ways to answer. It depends on who is asking, what I am thinking about at the time, what the context is and where I am.

For example, if my friend asked me the question while we were having a brilliant day on the golf course, and I had just sank an incredible put, I might say, ‘Playing sport in the fresh air with my mates’.

However, if my boss was asking me during a discussion about my promotion potential, while we were at work, I might answer, ‘Pitching for new clients’.

Context is so important. Although, so are environmental factors, what’s on your mind in that moment and what memories or visions come to mind.

Recently, my greatest joy has come from warm days, great weather, morning jogs and time with my family. Fortunately, I have been able to have all of these, most days, for the past few months. For this, I am very grateful.

Where do you get your greatest joy?

Food, friendship, tv, sport, exercise, kids, partner, toys, puzzles, work, family, other?

Be clear on the greatest joy you have in your life and be grateful for it. Things shift, time passes, changes happen and those moments will be memories. Enjoy them while they are here.


We Need More Jaime Escalantes

Ordinary people committed to extraordinary results. Passionate, committed change makers with a drive and purpose. We need more Jaime Escalantes.

We need more people willing to work harder to drive monumental change. In addition, everyone should be taught to expect more of those that are capable. That is to say, expect more from those that the change makers could impact.

For those that don’t know Jaime Escalante, he was a Bolivian who taught calculus in East LA from 1974-91. In his first calculus class in 1978, he taught five students. Of those five, two students passed the AP calculus exam. By 1990, his mathematics enrichment programme had more than 400 students in it.

I find this fascinating. The movie, Stand and Deliver, is a tough but uplifting account of his troubles and triumphs. I first saw it in the late 1980’s and thought it was brilliant. Since then, I have thought about it often and it still gives me chills. Discovering that he retired to Cochabamba, where I lived for a spell in the 90’s, makes me feel even closer to his story.

Jaime gave his students a vision, a goal and a plan. He then pushed them along a new trajectory for their lives. It was hard work for everyone but it would give the students an opportunity to dramatically change their lives.

We need more people, teachers and other passionate advocates of change and excellence, to help people stand and deliver.

We need more Jaime Escalantes

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughts

This Is Not A Good Time

“I don’t have time for this.” “This is terrible timing.” “Oh my, this is not a good time for this.” Some of the things we say are so true and yet so funny. Is there ever a brilliant time to have a bad thing happen?

A friend and I were chatting and when he said it, it struck us as funny. Just when is a good time for something unpleasant to happen? If you were going to have a minor disaster, what day and time would you pencil it in? Is this coming Tuesday at 2:55pm good for you?

We felt a little odd just thinking about planning in something negative. It felt wrong. Few people would want to lose their phone, get a flat tyre, or catch a contagious disease at the best of times. So why would less than good times be any different?

If you could plan in a little disaster or challenge to your life, then why not now? If you’re in decent health, with a sound mind and a few paper bills in your pocket, maybe this is a good time. Having something bad happen when you are not at, or near, your best, would be harder.

Sometimes we just need to count our blessings. Even when things stop going well, this could still be a better moment for it than any other.

You’ll never know how much you can handle, until you are required to handle it. You will be fascinated by the way it turns out. It’s often better than we expect.

CategoriesGratitudeThink About ItTime

Fond Memories Of Childhood Are Worth Rekindling

There are so many things to think about, do and keep up with in adult life. That is why fond memories of childhood are worth rekindling.

As we move through life, we see more of the complexities and nuances. There seems to be so much more to do as well. There is work, possibly children, pets, parents and partner. In addition, there is planning for holidays, signing up to activities, organising finances and everyday admin – which sometimes seems ever present.

So reflecting back on those long summer days in childhood is a nice thing. Remembering riding bicycles with friends, swimming together, sleepovers and solo playing can make you feel like you’ve been on holiday.

Was life simpler then or was it just because life is simpler in childhood? Maybe both?

I have many fantastic memories of childhood. Growing up on a farm often meant being creative. Today I was remembering building complex forts, tunnels and secret rooms with hay bales up in the hayloft. They were fun to build and brilliant to play in.

Fond memories of childhood are worth rekindling. What are some of your fondest memories? Can you pull out some forgotten but brilliant moments from the archive? Take 10 minutes and try to remember the names of your friends and the exciting adventures you had.

