CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Schedule Your Minutes

Allocate a set time to achieve your goals and tasks throughout the day. Whether it is for a phone call, or to write a letter or even just to eat lunch, decide how long you have to get it done and then do it in that time frame.

Make it snappy and pacey though. If you can get up from working, have lunch, and be back at your desk in 15 minutes, great! Then don’t drag it out for 35 minutes because you think you have a spare 20 minutes: you probably don’t.

Use every minute like you mean it and it’s precious. Jam as much life in as you can in every 24 hour period – whether working or playing.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Set Your Day The Night Before

Make great plans and stick to them. They may be delayed by events or go a little sideways at times. Allow for that but stay the course and carry on.

Prepare in writing what your following day will be. Plan the hours, and allow the correct amount of time. Don’t allow too much but allow sufficient time to actually complete the tasks.

CategoriesActionObserveReframe your thoughts

Look Closely At Your Habits

Your habits are things you don’t even notice. But they will direct your life like no other tool. Pay attention to what you do, that is the real indicator of your true intent.

If our actions aren’t in line with our values, we will know. Similarly, so will everyone else.

So check your habits and see what you are doing and if you really are getting the results you say you want.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

Definitions Matter

Before or during a discussion or argument, agree to define what terms you’re both using. It is often quite useful since one persons anti-social behaviour is another persons fun party.

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveThink About It

Find Peace

Think about what would bring you peace, for a moment or forever even. Have you considered what that would be? Really put some hard thinking time into this topic for a few days or weeks.

Consider lots of options. You may be surprised at what you learn about yourself!

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime


When doing work, use the Sprint method. Take your task and work hard and fast. Set a time to accomplish it and then try to beat it. When you finish, rest, stretch and go again. Sprint through your days and see how much more you can do.