CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Little Sacrifices

What may be a little sacrifice to you, may mean the whole world to someone else. Giving up your comfort for someone else can be a real challenge. But once you do, you grow as a person. You realise what you can do without and how you can persevere. A lot of good can come from just one giving action.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsTime

Leave Them Wanting More

Leave at the height of the party. Disappear at the top of your game. Keep them curious. Leave them wanting more. This strategy can buy you more time in life and be quite a good way to keep people looking forward to seeing you the next time.

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Make Some Me Time

Carve out a little corner of your day to get some me time just for you. Maybe you need a whole day away or even an overnight stay. Whatever it is you need to get some space and time, you should book it in. Sometimes it seems like the wrong time but more often than not, you’ll be glad you did it!

CategoriesThink About ItTime

Interesting Versus Important

How often have you spent time on something interesting but not important? It can be easy to be distracted by interesting things and forget the key purpose of what you’re doing.

Be mindful of this situation. Being curious about everything, getting distracted and remaining distracted can all detail your future far more than anyone or anything else.

CategoriesObserveReframe your thoughts

What Are Lies?

Remember, to lie you have to know the correct answer, believe it is correct and then say something else.

Just because someone has a different opinion to you, does not mean they are lying. They just see it differently.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

Could There Be Another Reason?

Often we react and don’t take the necessary time to stop, consider and respond. We can see something happen and immediately come up with our version of the story. This usually involves our own bias, what we’re thinking about in that moment, what we experienced at the time and a thought of fear or strength.

Many times things happen for a reason we could not even consider. Or it will be a mix of various reasons that an observer may have no knowledge about.

When you’re about to comment on something, check your bias, and consider alternative positions and events that could have swayed the situation. It’s not always as simple and straightforward as Iwe make it up to be in our head.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Reduce Your Projects

Focus on 1 or 2 things at a time. Discipline yourself to say no to new things if they do not absolutely move your goals forward. Time is at a premium. Don’t waste it on anything that doesn’t improve your life through joy or wealth.