CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

50 Is Half Way

It is often said that 40 is mid life. But I’d argue 50 is more the middle. We don’t remember much from under 12. Then 12-18 is a wild ride of changes and growing up, though for most people many things are done for them by parents or boarding school. Food is covered and so is lodging.

So adult and independent years start around 20. Then 20 to 50 is 30 years. And 30 more years puts you at 80. That’s a great lifespan for those that make it.

So 50 is the mid point. Stay healthy and fit, both physically and mentally, so you increase your chances of a long and enjoyable life!

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveReframe your thoughts

Think Better, Feel Better

This is very true. If you have poor thinking, you’ll have poor experiences in life. You may worry, be negative, get angered easily or have unrealistic expectations.

If you can train your mind to think better, be more positive and balance your emotions, you are very likely to feel better more often.

Give it a try for a week or two.

CategoriesActionFinancialObserveProgressThink About ItTime

Trying To Make Things Better, Can Make Them Worse

Whether it’s welfare, tractors in Africa, lower lending standards, or government covid policies, when people with good intentions get involved, the long run outcome can be worse.

Of course the immediate benefit is observable and often desirable. Unfortunately, the second and third order implications can be less beneficial, or even damaging or disastrous. (Though rarely for the people that initiated the policy).

Many of the world’s modern issues are derived from well intentioned people getting in the way and trying to control outcomes. Most often, people would be better served if there was less human intervention and they let the natural course of events take place. There is balance in the universe. Sometimes we should respect that and be patient.

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveProgressReframe your thoughts

Be The Bigger Person

When someone says or does something that bothers you, you don’t have to bother them back. It’s not a competitive Olympic sport where you get points and medals.

Usually it’s better if you can be the bigger person. You can shrug it off and move on with your day, not missing a beat. It often helps to think that they are probably having a bad day or aren’t very skilled in conversation, joy or gratitude.

It’s not your job to teach. Though your response can help them see how to respond to challenging moments in a better way.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

What Is Fun?

Think of things that are fun. Are they the same things you found fun 10 years ago? Are they free or expensive? Can you do them alone or need others to go with you?

Fun can be different from adventure. Adventure isn’t always fun.

Make a list of fun things you would like to do this year. Then set about doing them!

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughtsTime

Set An Alarm

With phones in our pocket all day, use the alarms on the phone to help keep you focused and remember important things.

I use the countdown timer A Lot! I also have dozens of alarms for different days of the week and situations. I always put some positive words in the description so when it goes off I get a boost of positive energy.

Use a great sound for the alarm too; Loud if you’ll be in a busy place and soft if waking you up or in a meeting.