CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Be Positive

Are you generally a positive, upbeat type of person? Do you complain about what’s wrong and unfair and needs to change? Maybe it’s your attitude.

Being positive is usually just a matter of training your mind. Of course, you can train it to be negative, or to complain, just as easily. But, you’ll start gravitating to people who are like that too.

You may have noticed that complainers complain and that birds of a feather flock together. Be mindful of which groups you belong to.

CategoriesObserveThink About ItTimeVideo

In The Moment

Live in the moment. I take a lot of pictures, but I rarely go back to them. Even if I did, would I want to relive all 70,000 moments? It’s like reliving my life while pausing what is happening now for several years!

(Assume 5 seconds to see, on average, each photo. That’s 3 years of 40 hour work weeks to see all the shots. That does not include video.)

And then what do you do with these when you pass? Your children might want a few pictures of you and them in them and that’s it.

Then do you bin or delete all those pics after years of taking them?

Maybe our maker did a better job preparing for this. Only really important memories are kept. The rest disappear. And when you pass, they all go with you.

Think about that. And live in the moment.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Recharge Your Batteries

How do you recharge? Time with people? Time on your own? Activity or rest?

Figure out what does it for you and then book something like that for an hour a week and a day every 4-6 weeks.

It’s important for your mental state and physical health too.

Get going!

CategoriesActionGoals, Results & New ThinkingProgressReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Free Speech

Most people will recognise far left and far right propaganda and nonsense. Some won’t though.

However, we need to allow all voices the opportunity to speak out. Unless they are breaking a hate speech law in the country, we must let people speak.

I don’t enjoy hearing certain perspectives, but they have a right to speak. If enough people think it makes sense, their philosophy may win the day. That is the way it goes. The best ideas win.

Listen to what people want. Most people want very similar things. Oftentimes people can’t communicate what they want or they misunderstand what others are trying to say.

Go listen to people holding different views than you: True diversity. Listen to what they say, not what you think they would say.

CategoriesObserveThink About It

Life Is A Fine Line

Life is precious. A bullet missing a major organ by millimetres can mean you’re alive. A few unfortunate words or good ones in the wrong order could see you in jail for several years.

Misrepresenting the real situation by changing a word, tense or emphasis, could mean certain death, jail or freedom.

Life is full of fine lines. Cross them at your peril. Push things too far and the Universe will snap back. The French Revolution, a ball thrown in the air, or playing with a dog and going one step too far, are all examples of limits being crossed and the (natural) consequences.

Understand where the line is and was, and then adjust quickly, before it’s too late.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

Tidy Up!

Continuous paring and limited new things will help you keep things tidy, save you money and improve your life experience.

Spend 30 minutes every week to declutter and your home will be an amazing refuge.