After a big life event and after 12 months, reevaluate everything. Make sure your goals Are up to date and that you are on track. Be clear you want to still go in this direction.
Category: Action
Get away. Detox from data and technology. Touch some grass. Shut yourself away from the world for 24 hours. Feel what it’s like to appreciate life’s simplicity again.
Start Like You Mean It
Say you just got a new job. Toil immediately on how you’ll make this new role an absolute, unmitigated success. Prepare today like you’re starting tomorrow, even if you’re not officially starting for another 73 days.
Even better, begin your transition prep while you’re still interviewing. There’s nothing like preparing when you already feel you’ve got the job.
Success meets the well prepared mind.
Do Right By Your Health
Be smart about your health. Fresh air, exercise and a good sleep programme are essential. Eliminate toxins and unhelpful things like smoking, nicotine, sugar and senseless carbs.
You can choose health or drift closer to chronic pain, diabetes and death every day. You choose with your actions. Each action, every day, brings you closer to ideal health or closer to pain, suffering and pill popping just to stay alive.
It’s your choice. Choose wisely.
Have Fun!
Get out, mix it up and enjoy your life.
Move Things Forward Each Day
You can’t change everything all at once. The best you can do is to make progress in your key initiatives every day.
Stay On Course
You’ll get to the end. Stick with it !!
Stick To It
Decide on the change you are willing to make in your life and stick to it.
It really is that simple.
Everything else is an excuse.
Be strong.
Find The Positive
In all things, find the positive. The silver lining is there, you just need to look a little more. See things differently than you want to see them. Assess them with possibility.