
Notice The Good In Everyone

People are born and then develop their personalities. Billions, or trillions, of stimulus then have an impact on you and help to shape who you become. We begin to march, dance or drift towards our destiny as the characteristics become more pronounced or ingrained.

The sooner we can bombard people with good feedback and environments, the greater the chances there will be a bias for good. So notice the good in everyone. Remark upon it. Be sure to communicate it with intent to the person and those around them.

Not only will the person benefit from hearing great comments about themself, but you will benefit by looking for the good in people. With your radar seeking good, you are bound to find more good than anything else in the world. Those have got to be very good things for all concerned.

CategoriesActionObserveProgressReframe your thoughts

Do One Less Thing

It doesn’t feel very high achiever, does it? Or, does it? That one more thing often means you are running late with greater stress. Or it keeps you up too late at night. That one more thing can really hamper your day.

Sure you can achieve one more thing, but was it an essential thing? Was everything essential today? Try to eliminate one thing from your day today. Make some breathing space. You could relax for that spare 10-15 minutes. Or get places on time. Or early!

You could go to bed a bit sooner and get a better night’s sleep. This all sounds good, healthy and sensible. So maybe go do it then. Don’t overthink it. Just remove those things from your day you won’t remember in 30 years.

Make more room for loved ones and the essentials of your life.

Do one less thing.

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughts

Only When It Happens

You can consider other perspectives. You can even prepare for things in advance. However, nothing can make you fully ready for exciting or challenging times. You can truly experience it only when it happens.

For example, a parent or grandparent dying is more impactful than you would think it would be. You know that in theory, we are all going to die. In addition, you’ve had years and sometimes decades to prepare for the moment. But when it happens, it can be quite a shock to the system.

Winning something special or seeing someone special after a long time can also be intense moment. You can guess how you would feel. But, living it is another level.

It’s good you can’t feel the extremes until those unique moments. It saves those very special or intense moments for only when it happens.

CategoriesActionObserveThink About It

I See Your Priority

What you do tells me what is important to you. What you say tells me what you would like to be, or what you think should be, important to you.

If your Mother requires medical attention and you go on a three day camping trip, I’ll know where your priorities lie.

When you need to complete some important work and you go out for coffee or do other things, we know what you prefer to do.

Sometimes we want to do short term fun or more pleasurable activities or ones we know how to do. We then avoid doing the more important ones.

What we need to do is break the pattern, put our head down, sit still and think our way through each line item. Yes, it can be painful. No it is not usually fun. However, you do the hard now and life gets easier later. Do the easier now and you are bound for hard later. You can’t avoid the hard. You simply need to decide which hard you’re willing to bear.

I see you priority. Do you?

CategoriesActionGratitudeProgressThink About It

What Would You Give Up To Save The Planet?

You can blame big oil companies if it makes you feel better. However, their products (oil, gas, plastics, etc) exist to quench people’s demand. They are not discovering, extracting, refining, shipping and storing oil and gas in the hopes that one day they will find a use for it and be able to sell it.

So governments and corporates can set the stage for change but it really comes down to the consumers of the world to make changes (forced or willingly) before we will see significant or meaningful change in environmental or climate impact.

With the world population expected to grow to just under 10 billion by 2050 there will be some additional strains on the environment. If countries haven’t been able to reach their Paris Accords targets previously, adding an additional 2 billion people in 30 years, a 25% increase, is unlikely to make the challenge easier.

So to reduce environmental impact, consumers will need to switch to new, clean energy sources in 2022. They / we will have reduce more, reuse more and recycle more if the world population has any chance of making a noticeable impact. To that end, what would you be willing to do? Give up on that new electric toothbrush and buy a bamboo one? Drive less? Stop air travel? Buy fewer clothes and plastic items? Only buy food from your country or local area? Reduce meat and dairy consumption to once per month?

I think most people find it incredibly difficult, or undesirable, to significantly shift their personal consumption habits whether it is to benefit climate change or not.

What would you give up to save the planet?

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts

Feeling Unstoppable

When was the last time you felt unstoppable? That feeling of everything going well with lots of energy and confidence. Can you recreate it?

You can recreate it but it may take some training. You’ll need to notice what makes you feel that way. Usually celebrating some wins can really help. So celebrate small ones and large ones. Wins can add up if you appreciate them.

A solid mindset can also help. Keeping things positive is a good start. Feeling you are on the right track even if you aren’t at the moment and there is some evidence of that. Believing that you’ll get to your destination is reassuring and empowering.

Feeling unstoppable is a good prerequisite to being unstoppable. So practice in your mind and celebrate every win.

CategoriesActionHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Get In Your Best Shape

You’ll feel better. You’ll look better. Everything will work better. In addition, your self-esteem will be at its highest. There are many benefits, both mental and physical. Fighting off illnesses is another one.

Get in your best shape. Your future you will thank you.

CategoriesActionReframe your thoughts

Have Rational Discussions

This can be hard for people. Because we start with an emotional position and look to rational-lies them, it can be hard to have balanced discussions.

You might wonder why people on the other side of your opinion don’t all simply come to the table and have rational conversations. You might not notice how you then can’t have a rational conversation about something else.

For example, if you’re a Remainer (I.e. anti-Brexit in the UK) you might query why Brexiteers hold such an impassioned view. However, only some hold an empassioned view. Many could provide a logical argument for their position. Though it may be easier to generalise and assume all people with the alternate view are unreasonable.

That same person might find it difficult to be restrained or balanced on other topics. If you’re unsure, there are few topics more polarising than Donald Trump, even in these post-President days.

A friend noted that it is important to give credit where it is due. That we should acknowledge the fair points of the opposing side or we can’t have a proper discussion. We will become polarised. It was, and is, a good observation. It is harder to live by though, for most people.

Have rational discussions. It’s harder than it looks. Try it. You’ll be better for it.

CategoriesActionProgressReframe your thoughts

Do Some Prep

Yes, you can wing it. That is an option. But you may not get the results you want. To improve your chances of getting results you’d be happy with, remember to do some prep.

Learn a little about the topic, event or activity. You can search the web for an article, workshop, podcast or video tutorial. Learn about it. Train yourself to improve your understanding or skill.

Prepare well ahead of time and make the most of your abilities while you have them. Injuries, illness or lack of time or energy can make it more difficult to progress as you grow up or age.

Do some prep. A little effort ahead of time could change your life’s trajectory.