CategoriesActionFinancialReframe your thoughts

Spending To Help Can Go Too Far

The US government is borrowing on an unsustainable course, says a headline I glimpsed earlier. They noted that 88% of millions of simulations have shown this. So only 12% of simulations have shown it is sustainable to some degree.

I guess you only need one to work. Cross your fingers and hope is not the best strategy though.

If it goes wrong, the current government will have the dubious distinction of having overspent and destroyed the economic goose that was the US economy.

I am sure they mean well. They want to spend a little to help the very impoverished to get the real necessities. But soon enough, like many good intentions, they pave the road to hell.

You see, it doesn’t stop with the basics. Then they want to help lower income people have things of cultural importance like a tv, car or a drinks fridge. These are not necessary to live for most people. Yet the government convinces itself that they are doing good deeds.

They don’t notice they are using other people’s money to pay for unnecessary items. If the person really wanted it they could get more income or spend less elsewhere or even save first and spend once they have the required funds.

Remember, a good start to a program must be continually revisited or it could go too far and bring about disastrous pain in the future when the house of cards collapses in a light breeze.

CategoriesActionFinancialGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Keep An Eye On Your Money

Pay attention to the comings and goings of your money. The big amounts and the little amounts. Keep a budget. Loose or exact but have one.

Understand your cashflows. Know when and what amounts are coming in and out for the days, weeks and months ahead.

The more money you have, the better your plans had better be. The better your plans are, the more money you are likely to have.

CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Prepare For Death

Not a generally fun topic. However, it is one we all will encounter in our lives. It will be either the death of other people or our own.

Preparing for it 20 years ahead may take the sting out of the discussion. It may also allow you some time to get things in order properly.

It’s not an hysterically fun topic but it can be approached light-heartedly. It does need to be done to improve the lives of your heirs and allow you to rest your mind.

Start today. Progress towards completing your will, any trusts, funeral arrangements and Power of Attorney, and getting the rest of your documents in order.

Yes it might mean postponing a few favourite tv shows now and then but having this completed makes you the super star of your family. Dead and still ahead one day. Sort it now!

CategoriesFinancialReframe your thoughts


Few people I know, enjoy doing admin. Though it needs to get done. So try doing it a little and at a time but often or once a week for three hours in the morning when you’re fresh. Then give yourself something fun to do in the afternoon if you complete it.

CategoriesActionFinancialProgressReframe your thoughtsTime


Time to sit down for 1-2 days and purge all non- essential paperwork, files, magazines, bills, statements, clothes, dishes/cookware, books and nik naks.

It’s amazing how much the average person keeps in drawers, piles, cupboards and filing cabinets.

Take a day or two now and really hammer at it. Take photos of key docs and assign the photo to a folder and/or capture key information in your contacts app or Notes.

Then keep all new potential clutter out of the house. Don’t let it build up. Be merciless.

And get rid of all the part-done projects and going-to-do items. You’re not. You’re not going to do them. It’s just not that important to you, nor is it enjoyable. If it was either of those, you’d have done them already.

Book in a full day or two now. Purge!!!

CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Get Ahead Of The Curve

Get your basics sorted out quickly. Then every 3-6 months add to them. Do not fall behind, or at least not for long. Then catch up quickly.

Keep building and compounding your position. If you have a 3 month emergency find, then set up your will. Once you have a will, get a POA ready, and then your funeral plans.

These things are especially important to do if you have kids. Better yet, get it all sorted before the kids come because you may then struggle to stay ahead of the curve. Good luck!! ????

CategoriesFinancialGratitudeHealth & FitnessProgressThink About ItTime

How Does It End?

I assume most people want to know how things end. Some people read the last chapter first just to get it over with. Some people plan well, including the end.

The end of a holiday is often a bit anti climatic for me as you often have to find your things and pack your bag, get to the airport and/or drive home. Life can be a bit like that too. The first and last 10% is often not hugely memorable. The 80% in the middle, though… there’s the beef!

So live it up and enjoy but also pack the day before so you’re not stuck doing that in those precious final moments that you’re savouring and wish never had to end.

CategoriesActionFinancialGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsTime

Planning Ahead

You’ll spend less, feel better and reduce stress if you can plan ahead.

Christmas cards are a great example. If you plan ahead, you’ll have time to make or buy cards that you love to send. If you’re making your card, you won’t have to pay for instant production. You can opt for the cheaper 2-3 day production.

Also, you will pay less for postage with a lot of lead time. You won’t have to use a courier, express service or overnight delivery. You can pay the least and know it will get there in time.

Not planning ahead, and acting on it, will cost you more time, more money, more stress and many missed opportunities. You may even have to pay penalties or fines. (Think about parking tickets. You pay less if you pay quickly. A good incentive).

CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughtsWeight loss

Success Habits Are Hard

Being unsuccessful is relatively easy. At least it is at first. Laze around, do little to no work and spend money you don’t earn or have. the consequences mean it does get much harder as the months and years go by though.

Building up your success habits is another story though. Eating less and better food takes discipline. Exercising or going to the gym takes discipline and it can be hard. Studying is rarely easy. Same with doing your work, dishes, and laundry. Saving and investing is also quite difficult near the start.

There are a lot of things you need to do to be successful. The sooner you get each one under control, the better off you’ll be!

CategoriesActionFinancialHealth & FitnessObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsTime

Is Your Life Story Becoming A Warning Or An Inspiration?

If someone wrote your biography and turned it into a movie, would people watch with interest? Would it lift people up and inspire them to greatness? Or would it be a warning to others to avoid this route at all costs?

Now that you’re thinking about it, you could actually do something about it. If it looks like a positive role model story, well done, keep going! However, if it has flashing red lights and warning labels all over it, perhaps rethink the plan for the next five years and start turning things around.