They all matter. You may never know how or when they mattered, but they will matter.
Use them both wisely.
They all matter. You may never know how or when they mattered, but they will matter.
Use them both wisely.
Have that conversation you think you need. Do not try to mind read. Go have what could be a tough conversation. Then everyone can relax and feel better.
In ten years you’ll never even remember what you got so agitated for. Take a few deep breaths and carry on with your day. Your future self will thank you.
And marvel at the moon.
Get a sunrise in this month too.
Incredible natural phenomenon that are free to watch.
Get out there and live the experience!
That’s life. It is crazy how fast it goes. You don’t notice it when you’re younger. Summer can go on forever.
You don’t really think of being 40 or 50. It’s so far away when you’re 20 or even 30. Then you start into those decades and pop out before you know it.
If you’re lucky, and take care of yourself, you’ll get through 60, 70 and 80, maybe even 90.
It is so wonderful to see the world and all its interesting changes and developments. Hopefully you’ll have family and friends to grow older with too.
We’re so lucky to have had this chance at life. Savour every day. Each one is precious.
Thousands of thoughts, lists of things to do, fun things you want to do, all occupy and tire out our mind and brain.
Take some time to do nothing.
Let your brain rest and relax.
Let your mind rest too.
You’ll be glad you did.
Whatever you do, just add some fun to it. From laughs to games, giggles and silliness, you can spice things up with a little fun wherever you are.
Enjoy the time you have on this great Earth.
There is a lot of fun to be had!
Life gets a lot easier if you are looking for common ground.
Oh, and if you don’t feel the need to blame anyone.
When you are clear about what you want, being presented with many choices is irrelevant. Stick with your focus.