Have you ever missed an opportunity, birthday, special occasion, etc? It’s not ideal and you feel a little rough about it. But in the end, you are better late than never. Just get there and enjoy from that moment on. There is not a lot more you can do in that moment.
Category: Gratitude
Plan Your Golden Years Now
Even if you’re only 15, start planning now. You might simply note the years that you’ll be 60, 70, 80 and 90. Perhaps you’ll write down how much money you’d like to have flow into your pocket each month from your passions, savings and investments. Then you know what you need to accumulate to reach that income goal in 50 years.
Sort your will, funeral arrangements and inheritance planning. Get an outline of these things together and speak to people in these areas or read books and magazines about it.
Spend some time and money to create a very simple and effective plan. You’ll sleep better knowing it’s done and everything has been taken care of. And your family will greatly appreciate it when you’re gone as they can focus on mourning you rather than racing around to sort out the estate, plans and time-constrained challenges.
Spice It Up!!
How can you add a little variety or fun in your life? Do you even know what feels fun anymore? Better have a think about it!
50 Is Half Way
It is often said that 40 is mid life. But I’d argue 50 is more the middle. We don’t remember much from under 12. Then 12-18 is a wild ride of changes and growing up, though for most people many things are done for them by parents or boarding school. Food is covered and so is lodging.
So adult and independent years start around 20. Then 20 to 50 is 30 years. And 30 more years puts you at 80. That’s a great lifespan for those that make it.
So 50 is the mid point. Stay healthy and fit, both physically and mentally, so you increase your chances of a long and enjoyable life!
Think Better, Feel Better
This is very true. If you have poor thinking, you’ll have poor experiences in life. You may worry, be negative, get angered easily or have unrealistic expectations.
If you can train your mind to think better, be more positive and balance your emotions, you are very likely to feel better more often.
Give it a try for a week or two.
Be The Bigger Person
When someone says or does something that bothers you, you don’t have to bother them back. It’s not a competitive Olympic sport where you get points and medals.
Usually it’s better if you can be the bigger person. You can shrug it off and move on with your day, not missing a beat. It often helps to think that they are probably having a bad day or aren’t very skilled in conversation, joy or gratitude.
It’s not your job to teach. Though your response can help them see how to respond to challenging moments in a better way.
Your Best Performance
Play to win. Use every minute of the match as if it’s the final minute of the World Cup. Do not rest on a decent lead. Add to your position every time you can.
Do not let up or coast. Use everything you’ve got. Rest after the match has been concluded.
When Do You Quit?
My son asked me tonight, when is it time to quit something? This could be school, a job, a relationship, a bad habit or a sport, club or activity.
It’s a tough question with no perfect answer. Each case will depend on the people and factors involved.
Steve Jobs made a good point that if you aren’t enjoying something for a long time or too many days in a row, it’s probably time to mix things up or at least assess what is going on.
I use this benchmark: Am I prepared to say this is as good as it gets in this area for me. I’ll probably never soar higher than this right now. Am I really ok with that? Or shall I press on a little longer?
If you are going to err on one side or the other, I’d say stick with something longer, even if you’re unsure. You may regain the joy or find your enthusiasm again!
It’s a personal decision. Good luck.
Extended Summer
Enjoy the extra heat while you can!!
Laughter Is Great Medicine
I went to a Live at the Apollo comedy taping with a couple of friends last night. One had procured tickets. It was a fabulous night out. Great chat at the pub before, between sets and after the show. It was interspersed with 6 excellent comedians performing at a very high standard.
We laughed A LOT.
And it feels great to laugh so hard and so much.
Get thee to a comedy club, pronto!