CategoriesActionFinancialGoals, Results & New ThinkingGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveProgressReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTimeWeightWeight loss

Believe. And Act Accordingly.

Let yourself dream about who you are or could become. Imagine your life, body, relationships, finances, holidays, home and pass times exactly how you would dream to have them in the perfect world.

Let your fears and concerns of it not working out simply subside. Summon the feeling you would have if your dreams all turned out true forever. Now use that amazing feeling of relaxation, contentment and confidence to remind you every moment of every day how your life is becoming.

Believe you will get there. Then simply act accordingly.

If you see yourself as an athletic, fit and healthy person, do what one of those people would do. They would probably be disciplined with their food intake (types and amounts), their daily exercise, the amount of water they drink and how much sleep they schedule into their life.

You can be the opposite too. Just do what unathletic, unfit and unhealthy people do. You can achieve this too. Simply build habits and be disciplined around eating poor quality food, and just a little bit more than you should each time. Sit more and move less. Drink small amounts of water and have an erratic and poorly executed sleep regime. You can become as unfit and uninspired as you want to be. It’s success but in a different direction.

Do the above exercise with your money, your relationships and your career and notice how different your life could be in just six months. It would be a world of difference in one little year. And then it could be like that for the next 20 or 50 years of your life.

Gee, why wouldn’t you start working on this today? Right now! Your new amazing life awaits! It’s just one little mindset shift away. Start accepting this new amazing life in your mind every day. And act accordingly.

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveThink About ItTime

Life Like A Holiday

You can plan a great holiday, or not. You could just go where the wind takes you. It could be lavish or frugal. You may never make the time to plan it out as you would like.

But the more you plan the key elements, the more you will enjoy it.

And I’m not sure you will feel differently as you know the holiday is soon coming to an end. You may try to cram it all in in the final days or just let it unfold as it comes. It’s your personal choice. Enjoy it throughout, either way.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Find Common Ground

If you have a difference of opinion, try to find some common ground. Do you agree on certain aspects of the topic? Are there periphery ideas that you see similarly?

You may disagree about football being the best sport in the world. However, you could agree sports is important for health reasons, that football is one of the top 10 most watched sports and that it is one of the lowest cost sports in its basic format – you only need a ball.

Walking away with a few agreed points is a real win, even if you still disagree with the original point. It humanises the other person and you will feel less animosity towards the other person. This way you can feel good about the person while disagreeing. This is much better than the name calling, the frustration and being disgruntled.

CategoriesActionGratitudeProgressReframe your thoughts

Help People Up, Don’t Tear People Down

Focusing on negative aspects and the 2% of people that cause harm rather than the 98% that are neutral, or lift people up, is crazy.

There is no need to tear people down, call them names, or become hostile. They may have a different life philosophy to you, see things a bit differently to you based on their experiences in life or have a different political preference, but that is ok.

Live and let live. They have come by their views just as you have come by yours. For all but a few radical outliers, we can still get along despite our different perceptions.

And it’s a lot easier to get along if people haven’t called you names, shunned you or left you in fear for your health.

You don’t have to become a cheerleader, but please be decent in your discussions.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Good News Should Be Savoured

Try to let the good news linger. Play around with it in your mind. Dance with it. Enjoy the crazy fun of it. Savour the flavour and how it makes you feel. Good news needs to be enjoyed and savoured for as long as humanly possible.