CategoriesGratitudeReframe your thoughtsThink About It

Think Smile

Think about all that you could smile about. Put some effort in. Perhaps you have decent health without much effort. Maybe you have good relationships. It might even be that you have more money at the end of the month than expenses.

These are all great reasons to smile. Start smiling as you wake up and as you go through the day. Train the smile muscles, both in your mind and on your face. Your life will improve in line with your efforts in this area.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughtsTime

Changing Rooms

Clear out your stuff. Shift things around. Make room for the new and exciting. Say goodbye to the once loved and now outgrown.

Our kids have just changed rooms in our house. A swap that has been coming for awhile. Late last night it was decided it would happen this morning. So along with all the crazy of this time of year and what’s going on in our lives, this got added in.

They’re in the final stages and it’s almost complete. Both are animated and happy/excited about this new situation.

Something as simple as this can reinvigorate your life. And it can be done in a day (or two. We’ll see).

Try it. You may see the world differently after.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessThink About It

Fabulous World Cup Finale

What a match!! Edge of the seat, nail-biting stuff. It’s never over till it’s over. It was arguably the best World Cup final match we’ll ever see.

Congratulations to Argentina. And very well done to France. An enthralling match between two of today’s best teams and players in the world.

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

The Last Time

There is always a last time. You rarely know when it is though. There is the last time you ever see someone, the last time you work at a company and the last time you visit somewhere special.

Consider everything you do like it’s the last time you will ever do it. Because one day it will be.

CategoriesGratitudeThink About ItTime

Strong Memories

Strong memories can pull you in with great or horrific feelings associated with those moments.

I just pictured an incredibly strong memory of mine when I was about 12. I was playing “rocks” with my cousins at my grandparents place on the path just outside the pool house. Fun and carefree times. It’s like a photograph burned into my mind. Occasionally it’s a short movie.

Strong memories like that feel great and bring a smile to my face.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessObserveReframe your thoughts

Spend More Time Marvelling At Your Life

You’re lucky to be alive. You’ve navigated through big challenges, tough times and difficult circumstances. Life is better now than at any time in the last 20 years. Appreciate that fact every day.

Marvel at how good things are rather than the small problems everyone can find. Be a big, bright, shining star. Give energy to those around you. Do not complain or explain. Attract others into your circle because of how wonderful it is.

CategoriesGratitudeThink About ItTime

Savour What You Have Overcome

We all have to overcome something at some point. We’re actually overcoming many hurdles every day. But do we appreciate what we have achieved or accomplished? Do you recognise the significance of the moment?

Think back to some of the huge hurdles in your life and how you overcame them. Consider what a huge turning point each of those victories became. Savour your victories.

Write out three major things that you have overcome in your life. Read them out two or three times. Savour your victories.

CategoriesGratitudeHealth & FitnessThink About It

What Are You Grateful For?

Can you write out a list of 20 things you are grateful for in under five minutes? Try it. Right now.

I am grateful for….

Here are a few ideas to get you started. I am grateful for my good health, all of my formal, school-curriculum education, my spouse and children, my warm house, our comfy furniture and the peaceful country I live in.

The more items you note on the list, the more calm and relaxed you are likely to be. You will realise how great your life is. This isn’t compared to the wealthiest 1% today but rather against the difficult circumstances of living in 621. A life back then was quite different.

So what are you grateful for?…..

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Celebrate Good Times!

Come on! It’s time to celebrate.

Sometimes you just need good friends gathered to have a lovely time. Even in dark days, tough times or a lonesome road ahead, getting up and getting out to have a chat and a laugh can work wonders for your mindset and your health.

If you’re in it together and can appreciate how good your life is, even in difficult circumstances, you’ll at least enjoy the moment. And that’s all we have. Moments.