CategoriesGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughtsThink About ItTime

Rainy Days

These can be just as wonderful as sunny days. They are just different. And it depends what you’re doing. Enjoy both!

Today’s note was inspired by our wonderful stay at Withyfield Cottage at Merrion Farm. A mix of sun and rain, and good timing, helped make this an excellent time away.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughts

Keep Your Thoughts Positive

When times are tough, we may think of the worst case scenario or even a disaster scenario. Remember this is not happening to you. It is just your mind being active with negative thoughts. So, as hard as it may be, focus on positive outcomes, wins and victory. Feel this as if they are real.

As neither are real, you may as well give yourself the feeling of the positive thoughts. Train your brain. It’s worth it.

CategoriesActionGratitudeHealth & FitnessReframe your thoughts

Take Stock

What have you got? Have you stopped to take stock? Is it your health? Wealth? Relationships? Is it a particular skill, career, or lifestyle?

Sometimes it is good to stop for 5 minutes and remind ourselves how good we have it. This is especially important if we’re ploughing through some really difficult moments.

CategoriesGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughtsTime

Everyday Life

After 1,000 blog posts, today seems like any other day. It was a great milestone to achieve and I celebrated the moment but now life goes on.

You can understand how astronauts, Olympians, professional athletes and big stars can have some mental health challenges when their time at the top is all over.

Once you’ve walked on the moon or flown in space, how does everyday life compare? It’s as good as it gets. And then it’s over. Then you need to find joy and appreciation in other things. Everyday life is simple. Enjoy its simplicity.

Thank you to all those who sent me congratulations on the 1,000 blog post milestone. I’m grateful for your encouragement and support.

CategoriesActionGratitudeProgressThink About ItTime

1,000 Blog Posts !!!

An historic milestone! I’ve written 1,000 consecutive, daily blog posts now. I hope you’ve been enjoying some of them and some have made you pause and think more than you normally would.

Most importantly, I hope some of my thoughts have helped you to take action in your life and improve some things you wanted to improve. Perhaps you’re now even living your dream!

Years ago, I set out to write 365 consecutive, daily posts, but I just kept going! The first ones were uncomfortable. Now I may be Unstoppable! Like I wrote in my book, you can Achieve Anything!

When you achieve something notable you should celebrate it! That’s step 7 in my book. So join me in celebrating this 1,000th consecutive, daily post. Tell your friends. Have them join in. Especially if they are trying to achieve anything specific in their life right now.

Woo hoo!

What’s the next big goal?! We shall see.

For now, though, I am celebrating. ?

CategoriesGratitudeObserveReframe your thoughts

Time v Money

You need to spend one or the other. Which will it be?

Do you value your time more than money? Or money more than time? Will you stand in a long queue to buy a cheaper item? Or do you just say no or pick it up elsewhere?

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveThink About It

Just Observe

Often we want to speak or do. Sometimes ours best to just observe. You can learn a lot from active and intentional observation.

Calm your mind. Take some slow deep breaths. Let judgments pass and expectations drop. Remain indifferent to the words or actions.

Just observe.

CategoriesActionGratitudeReframe your thoughtsTime

Enjoy Dinner Together

Make the effort to eat together at least once a week. Whether it’s you and your partner, your kids, parents, close friends, or grandparents, get a frequent time in your diary.

Then also make sure you are present, alert, engaged and making it the best possible moment you can. These are important moments. You don’t know how many you have left until the last one happens. Then it’s too late.

Enjoy dinner together.

CategoriesActionGratitudeProgressReframe your thoughts

Appreciate What People Do

It is so easy to gloss over people’s contribution or even ignore it or joke about it. You are a better person if you see someone’s contribution, no matter how large or small and regardless if you think it was enough or how you would do it or want it.

Give people some kudos. Do it as often as you can and for whatever you can.

Monday is a day people can do this when referencing The Queen. Appreciate all that she did and didn’t do to make the world a better place. Such leadership from a 26 year old woman, in a very different world in the 1950’s.

Your appreciation will make you and the world around you better. Find the good in people and things. You’ll be happier for it.

CategoriesActionGratitudeObserveProgressReframe your thoughts

Believe In Yourself

Look what you have achieved so far in life! You’ve mastered walking, socialising, some sports, learning, reading, eating, toilet time, tests, exams, paying bills, earning an income, holding a job, dealing with stress and travelling somewhere new.

Of course, you’ve managed to do all sorts of other things too! And just because others have done it, doesn’t reduce the validity that you did it too.

You are an amazing group of cells doing quite exceptional, though sometimes mundane, things. Things a giraffe ? couldn’t even imagine doing. So well done!

Now everything else is quite simple. So go make it happen. I believe in you and you should too!